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2014年考研英语Text3阅读逐句分析 第一段 The US$3-million?Fundamental physics?prize is indeed an interesting experiment, as Alexander Polyakov said when he accepted this year’s award in March. And it?is far from?the only one of its type. As a News Feature article in Nature?discusses, a?string?of?lucrative?awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years. Many, like the Fundamental Physics Prize,?are funded from?the telephone-number-sized bank accounts of Internet?entrepreneurs. These?benefactors?have succeeded in their chosen fields, they say, and they want to use their wealth to?draw attention to?those who have succeeded in science. 31. The?Fundamental Physics Prize?is seen as _____. [A] a symbol of the entrepreneurs’ wealth [B] a possible replacement of the Nobel Prizes [C] a handsome reward for researchers [D] an example of bankers’ investments 单词词组搭配 string?[str??](出现2次)n.一串,一系列 lucrative?[?lu?kr?t?v] adj.利润丰厚的 entrepreneur?[?ɑ?ntr?pr??n??r] n.企业家,创业者 benefactor?[?ben?f?kt?r] n.捐助者 Fundamental physics(基础物理学) be?far from(远非) be? funded from(由...资助) draw attention to(吸引..的吸引力) 本段翻译 诚如亚历山大三月领取年度奖时所言,300万美金的基础物理学奖的确是个有吸引力的尝试。该奖也远非同类奖项中的唯一。正如《自然》一篇新闻专题文章所述,近年来一系列面向研究者的丰厚奖项已经加入诺贝尔奖的行列。和基础物理学一样,许多奖项的经费来自因特网企业家的巨额银行存款。据说,这些捐资者在自己选定的领域中获得成功,因而希望用自身财富去吸引人们关注那些在科研领取取得成功的认识。 第二段 What’s not to like? Quite a lot, according to?a handful of?scientists?quoted?in the News?Feature. You cannot buy?class,?as the old saying goes, and these?upstart?entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the?prestige?of the Nobels. The new awards are an exercise in?self-promotion?for those behind them, say scientists. They could?distort?the achievement-based system of peer-review-led research. They could?cement?the?status quo?of?peer-reviewed?research. They do not fund peer-reviewed research. They?perpetuate?the myth of the lone genius. 32. The?critics?think that the?new awards?will most benefit _____. [A] the profit-oriented scientists [B] the founders of the awards [C] the achievement-based system


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