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最新考研英语大作文模板(160~200 词) 一、 第一段 1. As is vividly/clearly/symbolically/subtly depicted/revealed/illustrated/ demonstrated/shown in the picture/drawing/portrayal/cartoon above, sitting (一般) /standing (高物体)/lying (矮的)in/on/in front of (地点)is a ( 中心人物/事物), who/which is/are (人物+周围事物描述). 补充:(人)sb is /are doing sth. (物)sth is/are filled with sth. 2. And below the picture, there is a caption which says/indicates, “(标题/说明/脚注). 无标题时总体评价整幅图:⃣️ 1This is a thought-provoking scene that can give us plenty of inspirations about our study and life. ( 个 人 品 质 ) ⃣️ 2This is a terrible/worrying/warm/moving scene that is not uncommon/common in today’s society. (社会文化、科技产品) 二、 正面话题 1. 第二段 ● Clearly/Undoubtedly, the purpose of the picture is to illustrate/demonstrate the idea that (文字主题词) is of utmost significance to our current life (when we are confronted with a variety of adversities/handicaps .). 替换:make a great difference to ; different attitudes/ways people perceive difficulties determine various ways they cope with difficulties. ● To begin with, people who (具有文章关键词) will be able to (分论点1). As a illustration, (举例补充). What’s more, (文章关键词) can help us develop (分论点二). In other words, (不仅有利于个人/生理,而且有利于集体/心理). 替换:不良品质不利于(分论点 1,如个人发展/ 良性竞争/成功/幸福/健康,可导 致恶性循环). By contrast, 优秀品质有利于(分论点 2 ,如个人发展/好心情/克服 困难/科技、社会发展等).——先抑后扬 ● Were there no (文章关键词), we would never ….(正面话题/ 中立但强调好的一面) In other words, this quality is remarkably beneficial to paving the way for a person’s further development and personal fulfillment. 2. 第三段 ● In conclusion, we come to know that (改写第二段主旨句). In addition, the government as well as the mass media should take measures to (帮助/鼓励/倡导人们 去培养/树立好的品质) . Only in these ways can we achie


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