五年级上册英语教案-Lesson 13 Beijing is Great |冀教版(三起).doc

五年级上册英语教案-Lesson 13 Beijing is Great |冀教版(三起).doc

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课题 Lesson 13 Beijing is Great!    教学目标 (知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观) 能听、说、读、写以下单词: love, travel, interesting, place. 能认读、理解并应用下列句型: I want to go to Beijing. I want Jenny and Danny to come. There are many interesting places in Beijing. 通过本课的学习,培养学生的爱国之情和学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点 教学难点 能听、说、读、写单词:love, travel, interesting, place. 能认读、理解并应用基本句型,能够就提供的照片进行描述。 教学准备 PPT 课时安排 1课时 教 学 过 程 Step1 Class opening and review 1. Greeting(师生日常问候) 2. Review 复习谈话导入 Show a map of China and some pictures to ask and answer. What is the capital city of China? Do you like Beijing?????? Do you want to go to Beijing???? How do you feel about Beijing?( Beijing is Great!) 板书课题 Step2 New Concepts 1. Part1 I love to travel. 教 学 过 程 教 学 过 程 1)To learn the new words Students read the text to find out the new words:love, travel, interesting, place.(板书) 教师领读并解释举例,学生多种方式认读单词。 2) Go to the text 课件出示句子,师领读,生跟读 Ask and answer (注意人称和动词转换) What does Li Ming love to do? Where does Li Ming want to go? Who does Li Ming want to go( with)? 3) Practice (板书) I want to go to______ (where). I want ______ (who)to come/go. 教师示范,指名完成,指导评价。 4) We all love to travel. Now, let’s go to Beijing to see the interesting places with Li Ming. Show the pictures to ask sb. to talk about. 指导评价 出示重点句子,多种形式认读、理解。 2. Part2 Let’s do it! 1)教师指导完成P39 Part2.1 2)Pair Work(Part2.2) 指名完成对话,指导评价。 Step3小结 This class,we visited some interesting and famous places in Beijing together. Tian’anmen Square, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and so on. W Let’s say them together! 课件出示 Beijing is great! China is great! I love Beijing! I love China! 板书设计 Lesson 13 Beijing is Great! love travel interesting place I want to go to Beijing. I want Jenny and Danny to come. There are many interesting places in Beijing. 作业设计 Exercise Book Lesson 13 Make a dialogue with our learned today. 课后反思 对本次的作课,我不是很满意,在许多地方做的不到位。首先,授课内容较多,不易于学生理解接受。应该结合学生实际安排教学内容,课前多和学生沟通交流,及时掌握本班学生的学习和生活情况。其次,课堂当中,我讲的较多,留给学生的时间少,操练的少。导致本堂课有一小部分学生掌握的不是很好。本课当中比较好的地方是,我能和学生互动,课堂气氛很好,学生积极参与课堂活动,



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