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PAGE 1 PAGE 7 《工程测量》课程简介 课程编号课程名称:工程测量/ Engineering Survey 学分: 3 学时:48 (课内实验(践):10 上机:0 课外实践:0 ) 适用专业:土木工程 建议修读学期:4 开课单位:建筑工程学院 土木工程系 先修课程:高等数学,概率论与数理统计、工程制图、物理实验 考核方式与成绩评定标准: 考核方式:闭卷考试。 成绩评定:总成绩=平时成绩(10%)+课内实验(20%)+期末成绩(70%) 教材与主要参考书目: 教 材:[1]胡伍生,潘庆林.主编.土木工程测量(第四版).南京:东南大学出版社,2012.12. 参考教材: [1] 《现代普通测量学》第2版,王侬、过静珺主编,清华大学出版社,2009.08. [2] 《测量学》(第2版), 覃辉, 马德富, 熊友谊.编著,中国建筑工业出版社,2014.05. [3] 《土木工程测量》王国辉 主编,宁津生 等主审;中国建筑工业出版社,2011.08. 内容概述: 中文:(控制在300字以内,包括教学内容简述及课程实现目标) 本课程具有理论和实践两种教学形式。 通过理论教学使学生能较全面地熟练掌握测量基本原理、基本测量方法、数据处理;掌握测量误差理论的基本知识,并能运用于误差分析;熟悉测量学的基本理论和技能在土木工程施工中的应用,达到初步分析计算及解决实际施工工程问题的培养目标。 通过实践教学使学生熟练掌握普通水准仪、电子经纬仪、地质罗盘仪、钢尺等常用测量仪器和工具的使用;熟悉激光测距仪、电子全站仪、陀螺经纬仪等仪器的性能和使用;了解GPS技术的主要接收设备功能。同时,鼓励学生参加相关测绘竞赛和科研项目训练,培养学生的动手操作和科研能力,最终实现培养学生的创新精神。 英文: This course has two kinds of theory and practice teaching form. Through the theory learning in this course, students can fully master basic principle, basic measurement method and data processing; Master the basic knowledge of the theory of measurement error, and can be applied to the error analysis; Familiar with measuring basic theories and skills in the application of civil engineering construction survey, reached a preliminary analysis and calculation and the training objectives to solve the problem of actual construction engineering. Through the practice teaching to make the students master the common level, electronic theodolite, geological compass, ruler and other commonly used measuring instruments and tools used; Be familiar with the laser rangefinder, electronic total station, gyrotheodolite, instrument performance and using; To understand the main receiving equipment function of GPS technology. At the same time, encourage students to participate in related training competition of surveying and mapping and the scientific research project, to cultivate students hands-on operation and scientific research ability, achieve to cultivate the students innovative spirit. 《工程测量》课程教学大纲 课程编号


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