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--来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 富兰克林名言英语 1、倾囊求知,无人能夺。投资知识,得益最多。 No one can seize knowledge without sacrificing it. Investing in knowledge will benefit the most. 2、倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。 No one can take away all the knowledge that has been pursued; the best return is to invest in knowledge. 3、读书是我惟一的娱乐,我不把时间浪费于酒店、赌博或任何一种恶劣的游戏。 Reading is my only entertainment. I dont waste my time in hotels, gambling or any other bad game. 4、不谦虚的话只能有这个辩解,即缺少谦虚就是缺少见识。 Unmodest words can only have this excuse, that is, lack of modesty is lack of insight. 5、二十岁时支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。 At the age of 20, will dominates, at the age of 30, wit, and at the age of 40, judgment. 6、诚实和勤勉应该成为你永久的伴侣。 Honesty and diligence should be your permanent companion. 7、我从不到酒馆、赌场或任何其他娱乐场所去消磨时光。 I never spend time in pubs, casinos or any other entertainment. 8、闲暇是为了做出某种有益的事而有的时间。 Leisure is time to do something useful. 9、读书是我唯一的娱乐。 Reading is my only entertainment. 10、切勿坐耗时光,须知每时每刻都有无穷的利息;日计不足,岁计有余。Dont spend time sitting down. You should know that there is an infinite amount of interest at every moment; you have a deficiency in your daily plan and a surplus in your annual plan. 11、须左右事业,无为事业左右。 We must control our career, but not our career. 12、青年人的教育是国家的基石。 The education of young people is the cornerstone of the country. 13、懿行美德远胜于貌美。 Virtue is far better than beauty. 14、一个今天抵得上两个昨天。 One today is worth two yesterday. 15、读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。 Reading is easy, thinking is difficult, but without one, it is useless. 16、争吵是一种人玩的游戏。然而它是一种奇怪的游戏,没有任何一方曾经赢过。 Arguing is a game played by people. But its a strange game, and no one has ever won. 17、失足可以很快弥补,失言却可能永远无法补救。 A slip can be made up quickly, but a slip of the tongue may never be made up. 18、有条不紊:所有的物品都井然有序,所有的事情都要按时去做。Orderly: Everything is in order and everything should be done on time. 19、命运的变化犹如月之圆缺,对智者无妨害。 The change of fate is like the round and waning of the moon, which does no harm to the wise. 20、倘若人能够完成他所希望的一半,那么,他的麻烦也将加倍。 If a man can acco


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