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傲骨贤妻-S01E01 傲骨贤妻-S01E01 The Good Wife S01E01 《傲骨贤妻》第一季 第一集[12:04] Good morning. 早上好[00:47] An hour ago, I resigned as states 一小时前 我辞去了库克县州检察官职务 attorney of Cook County . [00:48] I did this with a heavy heart 我心情沉重[00:53] And a deep commitment to fight these 将与那些诽谤性指控抗争到底[00:55] scurrilous charges. I want to be clear. 我要强调[00:58] I have never abused my office. 我从未滥用职权[01:00] I have never traded lighter sentences for 我从未因钱色贿赂[01:02] financial Or sexual favors. 而给人减刑[01:05] At the same time, I need to atone for my 但是 我愧对妻子艾丽西娅和两个孩子 personal failings [01:06] With my wife, Alicia, and our two 我要向他们赎罪[01:11] children. The money used in these transactions 那些交易所涉款项 是我个人财产[01:13] was mine... And mine alone. 全都是[01:16] No public funds were ever utilized . 我从未动用公款[01:19] But I do admit to a failure of judgment i 但我承认 我与那些女人确实存在不正当关系 my privity with these women. [01:24] Alicia and I... 我和艾丽西娅[01:32] Ask that the press please respect our 请求媒体尊重我们的隐私[01:34] privacy . Give us time to heal. 给我们时间平复伤痛[01:38] With the love of god, and the forgiveness 有上帝的保佑和家人的宽恕[01:41] of my family, I know I can rebuild their trust. 我相信能赢回他们的信任[01:44] I want to thank the people of Chicago. 我要感谢芝加哥民众[01:47] It has been an honor to serve you. 很荣幸为你们服务[01:49] And I pray that one day, 我希望有朝一日[01:51] I may serve you again. Thank you. 能再次为你们服务 谢谢[01:53] Sir! Are you still involved with prostitutes 请问你和妓女还保持着关系吗[01:57] , sir? 第1页/共34页



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