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$1,200 horse sneakers are a real thing that exists 一切皆有可能:为马定制的流行运动鞋将上市 With very few notable exceptions, horseshoes have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years, but that is about to change thanks to sneaker customizing expert Marcus Floyd. Using deconstruction and reconstruction, Floyd has created several pairs of equine sneakers that retain the elements that usually make brands like Air Jordan, Yeezies or NewBalance650 stand out. At the same time, these are essentially horseshoes, so they also meet the unique ergonomics of horse hooves. 除了极少数的特例外,数百年来马的鞋子基本没什么变化(一直都是马蹄铁),不过这种情况即将发生改变,这得归功于跑鞋定制专家马库斯·弗洛伊德。运用解构和重构思维方式,弗洛伊德为马儿打造了数款跑鞋,这些跑鞋保留了耐克乔丹鞋、阿迪椰子鞋或新百伦650鞋特有的一些元素。与此同时,由于这些鞋都是给马穿的,所以能够适应马蹄独特的构造。 Starting on October 24, custom Horse Kicks will be available for order via the company’s website, with prices starting at an eye-watering $1,200. One is used to seeing people lined up outside sneaker shops for the newest collectible creations, now get ready to see equine sneakerheads do the same thing. 从10月24日起,Horse Kicks将开始在其官网上接单定制马用跑鞋,起步价高达1200美元(约合人民币8696元)。过去你看惯了人们在跑鞋店外排队购买最新收藏款,而今恐怕马儿们也要大排长龙了。 重点词汇: 1. exceptions 美 /?k?sep?nz/ n. 例外 2. several 英 /?sevr?l/ 美 /?sevr?l/ det. 几个,数个 3. website 英 /?websa?t/ 美 /?websa?t/ n. 网站 听双语新闻-填词 $1,200 horse sneakers are a real thing that exists With very few notable exceptions, horseshoes have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years, but that is about to change thanks to sneaker customizing 1 Marcus Floyd. Using deconstruction and reconstruction, Floyd has created several pairs of equine sneakers that retain the elements that usually make brands like Air Jordan, Yeezies or NewBalance650 stand out. At the same time, these are essentially horseshoes, so they also meet the 2 ergonomics of horse hooves. Starting on October 24, custom Horse Kicks will be 3 for order via the company’s website, with prices starting at an eye-watering $1,200. One is used to seeing people lined up outside s



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