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上海应用技术学院 2009—2010 学年第 1 学期 《大学英语 3A-商务英语》期(末)(A)试卷 课程代码: B11101D3 学分: 2 考试时间: 100 分钟 课程序号: 5551\5580\5610\5639 班级: 学号: 姓名: 题 号 一20 题 号 一 20 二 40 三 15 四 10 五 15 六 七 八 九 十 应得分 实得分 总 分 100 试卷共 8 页,请先查看试卷有无缺页,然后答题。Part I Term Translation (20%) Section A: Translate the following terms into Chinese. career ladder high staff turnover Matrix Organization Fortune 500 list of the world’s largest corporations market share Section B: Translate the following terms into English. 净利润 前沿 性价比 库存控制 商誉赔偿金 Part II Reading Comprehension (40%) Questions 11-17 Read these sentences and the three company plans below. Which company does each sentence describe? For each sentence mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Example To combine its operations in different parts of the world will save a lot of money for the company. Answer: B The company has businesses in four continents of the world. The company has appointed a new manager in charge of medicines. New automobiles will be developed in its program centers. A reform is being carried out in its organizations. Goods for hair protection makes a lot of money for the company. It tries to be more ready to meet the needs of the customers. The company is made up of fourteen sub-companies all over the world. FORD To save up to $3 billion a year, Ford is merging its manufacturing, sales, and product development operations in North America and Europe and eventually in Latino America and Asia. And in a move toward a more horizontal organization the company is setting up five program centers with worldwide responsibility in developing new cars and trucks. IBM Big Blue is reorganizing its marketing and sales operations into 14 worldwide industry groups, such as banking, retail, and insurance. In moving away from an organization based on geography, IBM hopes to eliminate turf wars and make it more responsive to customers. BMS Bristol-Meyers Squibb is revamping (改造) its consumer business by appointing a new chief responsible for its worldwide



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