牛津译林版高中英语必修一教案《Unit 2 Let’s talk teens》Integrated skills 1.doc

牛津译林版高中英语必修一教案《Unit 2 Let’s talk teens》Integrated skills 1.doc

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Book 1 Unit 2Let’s talk teens Integrated skills 1 Giving advice on parent-child relationships 教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. identify the problems with their parents and seek solutions; 2. analyze the features of a formal advice letter. 教学重难点 1. To logically identify to the problems with their parents; 2. To seek solutions the problems with their parents. 教学过程 步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式 Reading Step 1 Have students tick the possible teenagers’ and parents’ problems. Teenagers’ problems □ blame parents for everything □ shout at parents and say some mean things □ be impatient to talk with parents □ spend much time in front of a computer □ turn a deaf ear to what parents say □ lose temper because of high pressure Paren s’ problems □ quarrel over unimportant things □ force you to study all the time □ be eager to know what’s on your minds □ buy whatever you like □ always make decisions for you □ attach importance to examination results □ ignore your inner thought 创设情境,拉近沟通距离,激活学生已有知识,引发学习兴趣。 5’ Group Work Class Work Step 2 Have students read Part A on Page 22 and answer the following question: What information do the parts of three emails convey? (Conflicts often arise between parents and teens.) 阅读文本,引导学生运用skimming和scanning阅读策略提取信息,归纳总结文本主旨。 10’ Individual Work Group Work Step 3 Have students describe each problem mentioned in Part A on Page 22 in one sentence. 培养学生概括文本的语言运用能力。 5’ Individual Work Listening Step 4 Have students listen to the recording about Cynthia’s reply to Rebecca’s email and circle the correct words to complete the sentences in Part B1 on Page 23. 创设情境,在听录音材料的过程中培养学生的交际能力。 5’ Individual Work Group Work Step 5 Have students listen to Cynthia’s reply again in Part B2 on Page 23 and complete the notes below. 根据听力文本,引导学生学习掌握语境相关词汇。 5’ Individual Work Class Work Step 6 Have students answer the following question: How can Rebecca get along well with her mother? (She can talk to her mother about her interest and the reasons f



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