牛津译林版高中英语必修一教案《Unit2 Let’s talk teens》Grammar and usage.doc

牛津译林版高中英语必修一教案《Unit2 Let’s talk teens》Grammar and usage.doc

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Book 1 Unit 2Let’s talk teens Grammar and usage Simple, compound and complex sentences 教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. categorize the elements of a simple sentence, a compound sentence and a complex sentence; 2. summarize the general rules of the three kinds of sentence structures; 3. distinguish and choose the right sentence structures; 4. apply appropriate sentence structures in new situations. 教学重难点 1.To distinguish the three kinds of sentence structures; 2. To recognize the differences between Chinese and English sentence structures; 3.To apply sentence structures appropriately. 教学过程 步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间模式 Exploring the rules Step 1 Have students discuss the reasons for unhappy scenes in families. What causes you to quarrel with your parents? (The teacher summarizes as follows: (1) Parents expect too much of us and put great pressure on us. (2) One side wants to control the other side, so we often quarrel over some trivial things. (3) If both sides lack the opportunities to communicate with each other, some misunderstandings will arise between us.) 2. How can you solve the troublesome problems with your parents? (The teacher summarizes as follows: (1) I will have a chat with my friends to get some suggestions. (2) Nowadays, websites are springing up, and I will turn to experts of relevant websites for help. (3) I will consult my teachers, because they can give us useful and practical advice.) 创设互动情境,拉近沟通距离,激活学生已有的背景语言知识,引起学习兴趣。 5’ Group Work Class Work Summarizing the rules Step 2 Have students distinguish and summarize the features of the six sentences above. (Both Sentence 1 and Sentence 4 are made up of one independent clause which has one subject-verb combination. Both Sentence 2 and Sentence 5 contain two main clauses. Both Sentence 3 and Sentence 6 contain one main clause and one subordinate clause.) 引导学生分析句子成分,自主发现句子结构特色和规律,培养善于观察、善于总结归纳的学习能力。 5’ Individual Work Group Work Step 3 1. Have students compare the structures of a s


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