牛津译林版高中英语必修一《Unit 2 Let’s talk teens》Grammar and usage.ppt

牛津译林版高中英语必修一《Unit 2 Let’s talk teens》Grammar and usage.ppt

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Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Grammar and usage Family is the kingdom of father, the world of mother and the paradise of children. Family should be the palace of love, joy and laughter. parents child love Let’s talk teens Teenagers’ growth Parent-child relationship Physical changes Developing mental needs Let’s talk teens 曹霞 Parent-child relationship Heated arguments Cold silence Let’s talk teens 1 2 3 How can teenagers solve parent-child problems? Visit websites designed for teens Talk to friends Communicate with parents Visit TeenHealthWeb Let’s talk teens 中学一级教师 南通市青年教师基本功比赛 二等奖 通州区优质课评比 一等奖 通州区高三优秀教师 TeenHealthWeb In TeenHealthWeb, teens can look through many articles about teenagers’ physical and mental health to find advice on your problem; visit the “teen health” forum and post the problem and get advice from our health experts and other forum users. TeenHealthWeb Sentence elements Subject Verb Object Complement 谓语 宾语 补语 Adverbial 状语 Predicative 表语 主语 Attributive 定语 The teacher gave a speech. Many students join school club. We should develop good study habits. Listening to music makes me relaxed. Maggie plans her study carefully. It’s a lovely day. I went to a large library yesterday. 1 4 5 2 3 6 7 8 主谓 主系表 主谓宾 主谓宾宾 主谓宾补 主谓状 主谓宾状 存现句 Sentence structures S + V S + V + P S + V + O S + V + O + O S + V + O + C S + V + A S + V + O + A There be Sentence structures 曹霞 Types of sentences Exploring the rules Simple sentences Complex sentences Compound sentences (2, 3, 4, 6) (5, 8, 13) (1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12) E.g. He left his hometown. E.g. He left his hometown and served in the army. E.g. He left his hometown where he had lived for two decades. (2) So, we have designed TeenHealthWeb to help you along the journey to adulthood. (3) Our website has many articles about teenagers’ physical and mental health. (4) You can look through these articles to find advice on your problem. (6) You can visit the “teen health” forum on our website instead. S V O A



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