人教版新目标英语九年级上册Unit 6 (Section A 1a—2d) 课件.pptx

人教版新目标英语九年级上册Unit 6 (Section A 1a—2d) 课件.pptx

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Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A 1a-2d;New inventions!;;Do you know Chinese four great ancient inventions? Who invented them? When were they invented?; Four ancient inventions in China.;状元成才路;状元成才路;状元成才路;Can you guess what modern inventions they are?;light bulb;telephone;car;iphone;presentation;When were they invented?;Listen and match the inventions with the years.;;Guessing;Guessing;;;;Funny inventions!;The first invention is shoes with ________. People always hit their toes on __________ on the way to the bathroom at night. So people can use them for ________ in the ______. ;The second invention is a special ice-cream ______. It runs on _________ and becomes hot. It’s _____ for serving really _____ ice-cream. ;Great inventions make our life ______________________________________ Without inventions, our life will be more difficult and less pleasant.;Make conversations using the information in 2b.;Invention ;What is / are … used for? It’s / They’re … used for …;;;If we are good at observing and thinking, everyone can be inventors in our lives.;Top 10 “inventions” that changed the world ;8. Electronic Money;1. invent v. 发明 指经过认识和实践创造出前所未有的事物。 Edison invented the light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯泡。 invention和inventor都是名词,前者意为“发明”,后者意为“发明家”。;2. With pleasure. “好的; 没问题; 十分乐意”。用来回答别人对你的“请求”。 My pleasure. “不用谢, 没关系”。用来回答别人对你的“感谢”。 =It's my pleasure. /It is a pleasure./ You're welcome./Not at all./That's all right. ;e.g. 1) —Would you please open the door? — OK, with pleasure. 2) —Will you join us? — Thank you, with pleasure. 3) —Thank you for helping me. — My pleasure. 4) —Thanks a lot. — My pleasure. ;【链接】 take pleasure in sth./doing sth. 很高兴做…… =It’s a pleasure to do sth. e.g. I take great pleasure in studying with you. =It’s a great pleasure to study with you. 【拓展】 pleasant adj. 高兴的; 满意的 pleased adj. 令人高兴的; 令人满意的 please v. 使高兴; 使满意; 请;【运用】单项选择 1) —Co



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