Harris Williams:2022年家庭服务消费者调查(EN).pdfVIP

Harris Williams:2022年家庭服务消费者调查(EN).pdf

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Home Services Consumer Study Summer 2022 Executive Summary The home services sector is positioned for healthy long-term growth due to housing market trends and a shift toward outsourcing more home-related tasks. This shift is driven by home-buying millennials with less free time, waning DIY interest, and more money to spend. • A majority of surveyed consumers are more likely to outsource home services than perform those tasks themselves. • Most are also increasing their spending on service providers, with a tendency for hiring those with technical or specialized expertise. While consumers have a preference for local brands, some services benefit from national recognition and spend. • For services where the consumer is in the market for a shorter time period, national brands can have an awareness and marketing spend advantage, but consumers generally favor local brands that are well reviewed. Financial and strategic buyers can take advantage of several opportunities within home services to create growth and value. • Platforms that skew to break-fix, non-discretionary, and recurring services can generate steady growth. • Digital channels—including internet search, online reviews, and social media—have a greater ability to reach consumers and grab market share. • Tech-enabled and professionalized platforms that offer easy-to-use customer-facing technology, financing options, and flexible terms can differentiate themselves from the competition. To better understand this opportunity, Harris Williams surveyed 1,001 U.S. consumers who use home services.1 2 Consumers are outsourcing more home services. Preference fo


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