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2022 Global Ecomm rc R port: Fashion and A ppar l T chnological advanc s, a fading pand mic and r turning confid nc in th supply chain stand to mak 2022 a bann r y ar for comm rc . Bas d on growth proj ctions, r tail comm rc sal s will surpass $1 trillion for th first tim v r in 2022, according to Mark t rʼs US Ecomm rc by Cat gory 2022 r port. A nd whil inflation conc rns would s m to contradict this, consum rs sp nt $2.8 billion in add d cost from January to March, according to Adob A nalytics. With an x p ctation that comm rc growth will r turn to pr -pand mic l v ls this y ar, knowing what to x p ct and wh r to inv st in 2022 carri s outsiz d importanc . For BigComm rc ʼs first industry tr nd r port, w xamin th fashion cat gory as it m rg s from th oth r sid of two y ars impact d by th COV ID-19 pand mic. D spit wid spr ad staing shortag s and supply chain issu s, th fashion and appar l industry saw $180.5 billion in comm rc r v nu in 2021, up from $145 billion in 2020. R lativ to all oth r industri s in global comm rc , fashion sits middl -of-th -road in t rms of proj ct d growth for 2022. Growth stimat s plac comm rc r v nu in 2022 at roughly $205 billion. Against this backdrop, th fashion industry k pt pac with th s proj ctions in th first thr months of th y ar. R ad our full r port for mor insights into th stat of fashion comm rc so far in 2022 from BigComm rc and our m rchants. M thodology BigComm rc ʼs fashion data is sourc d dir ctly from our custom rs. A ll data is global and p rtains to all countri s wh r BigComm rc


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