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2023届高考英语写作备考:读后续写练习指导 题目: 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 “First up is Sam Abernathy,” Mr. Mead said for probably the fourth time. This was the moment I felt frightened, with Fire Dragon, my best yo-yo(溜溜球),held in my hand. It had been there since Mr. Mead had told the class to get ready for our three-minute-long performances. I walked toward the front of the room. My heart was pounding. “I’d like to show you some do-do tricks,”I began. “I mean, some yo-yo tricks.” Mary Grace Lewis laughed. Three minutes? I wouldn’t last one! “My first trick is The Sleeper,” I said, rather nervously. It was a necessary part of any other trick. I would throw the yo-yo down, and instead of pulling right back,I would let it spin(快速旋转) first for about twenty seconds. However, my hands were shaking. To begin the move,I straightened my arm and let go of the yo-yo. However, my Fire Dragon hit the floor.I now looked very stupid. Mary Grace wasn’t the only one laughing. “My next trick is, um, Walk the Dog.” I would throw a sleeper and set it down. It would walk across the floor, like a dog. Everyone stood up to see better. I got in a good power throw, but my Fire Dragon slid off(滑离) my finger! Fire Dragon, still spinning, went rolling under desks. Mary Grace was frightened when it landed by her feet, but she quickly calmed herself down. She picked up Fire Dragon and gave it back to me. “Fire Dragon on the loose! she said. Waves of laughter began to spread through the classroom and I realized that I was laughing,too.“OK,Sam.I think we’re ready for you to try again,” Mr. Mead announced. 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在相应位置作答。 “Try again? Was he kidding?” I thought. I took a deep breath and started my show. 写作指导: 第一段:“Try again? Was he kidding?” I thought. 1. 继续写我的心理,但加入和Mary Grace老师的互动: Haunted by the embarrassing scene, I lifted my eyes just in time to meet Mary Grace’s eyes. 说明:just in time to meet one’s eyes恰好遇到某人的眼神 被失败的阴影萦绕:be haunted by... 类似表达: cast a dark shadow over sth hang over s



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