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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 13 页 2020年大一上学期英语期末复习 Diary of a fresher 大一新生日记 Sunday 星期日 1 After a wearisome expedition by car from home, we arrive at my hall of residence, and I check in. The warden gives me a set of keys and a room number. My room is five floors up, and the lift has a sign on it, Out of order. Finally, with my mother flushed and gasping for breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in. 1 从家里驱车经过一段疲惫的旅程才到达我住的宿舍楼。我进去登记。宿舍管理员给了我一串钥匙,并告诉了我房间号。我的房间在6楼,可电梯上写着“电梯已坏”。等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开房门,我们都走了进去。 2 After one minute, my father climbs out. The room is barely big enough for one, and certainly not big enough for the whole family. I can stretch out full-length on the bed and touch three walls without moving a muscle. 2 但爸爸马上就从里面爬了出来。这个房间刚刚够一个人住,一家人都进去,肯定容不下。我躺在床上,把全身伸直,不动弹就可以碰到三面墙。 3 Lucky my brother and my dog didnt come too. 3 幸亏我哥哥和我的狗没有一起来。 4 Later. My parents have just left. Im here alone, hemmed in by my books and a suitcase. What do I do next? 4 后来,爸爸妈妈就走了,只剩下我孤零零一个人,周围只有书和一个箱子。接下来我该做什么呢? Monday 星期一 5 Theres a coffee morning for first-year students. I meet my tutor, a lofty man with sloping shoulders, who looks determined to be affable. 5 早上,有一个为一年级新生举办的咖啡早茶会。我见到了我的导师,他个子高高的,斜肩,好像打定了主意要平易近人。 6 Have you come far? He peers down at me. As he speaks, his head jerks wildly from side to side, which makes his coffee spill into the saucer. 6 “你是从很远的地方来的吗?” 他居高临下地看着我问道。他边说话边晃动脑袋,咖啡都洒到杯托里了。 7 I live not far from Edinburgh, about six hours away, I explain. 7 “我家离爱丁堡不太远,开车大约6个小时,” 我说。 8 Splendid! he says, and moves on to the freshman standing beside me. Have you come far? he asks, Splendid, he barks, without waiting for the answer, and moves on. He takes a sip of coffee, and looks thunderstruck to discover the cup is empty. 8 “好极了!” 他说,接着又转向站在我旁边的那个新生。“你是从很远的地方来的吗?” 他问。但不等那人作出任何回答,他就喊道,“好极了!” 然后就继续询问他人。他啜了一口咖啡,却惊讶地发现杯子是空的。 9 My mother calls. She enquires if Ive met my tutor yet. 9 妈妈打来电话,问我是不是见到了导师。 Tuesday 星期二 10 Am feeling a


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