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图书分类号: 密 级: 全自动红枣去核机的研究与设计 摘要 核果类水果是我国果类产业中的一个重要构成部分。核果的去核工作是核果再加工环节一个重要环节,国内现有的传统核果去核方法大多是采用人工去核。该方法虽然简单,但有诸多弊端,包括费时费力,不规范,容易造成人员伤害,避免不了卫生问题和众多质量问题。红枣产业的一个重要解决的问题就是红枣去核机的设计与研发。 红枣去核机可以实现从送料到果品回收的全自动化过程,可以实现生产的全自动化。国内一些现有技术并不成熟,本文主要针对现有的国内的红枣去核机的现有方案进行了针对优化设计改进及创新,可以实现人工送料、冲核、回收等工序的自动化,兼顾了工作效率与质量。 本文的主要内容有:⑴按照工艺的行动步骤次序和配合要求制定行动循环图。⑵冲压和间歇等执行机构的选择要以满足设计能实现的功能为基准。⑶对所提出的解决问题方案的合理性与经济性进行合理的评定与取舍。⑷选择好合适的传动机构和执行机构后对它们关键的尺寸给出计算。 关键词:去核机 槽轮机构 圆锥齿轮 圆柱凸轮机构 Abstract Drupe fruit is an important part of our country fruit. Drupe to nuclear work is drupe re processing sectors a important link, the existing traditional stone to kernel methods mostly using artificial nucleus. This method although simple, but many disadvantages, including time-consuming, is not standardized, easy to cause the personal injury, avoid health problems and many quality problems. Red dates to the nuclear research is an important subject of jujube industry. Jujube kernel removing machine is a automatic to nuclear device, from the light of expected recovery is automatic. Some existing domestic technology is not mature, this paper mainly for the existing domestic jujube to nuclear machine existing programs were optimized for the improvement and innovation of the design, can realize the artificial feeding, punching and nuclear, recycling process automation, taking into account the work efficiency and quality. The main contents of this paper: according to the requirements of process action order and coordination to the intended motion cycle chart; The selection of the actuator such as stamping and intermittent shall be based on the function of the design to be realized; Reasonable evaluation and choice of the rationality and economy of the proposed solution; Select the appropriate drive mechanism and the actuator to give the key dimensions of the calculation Key words: Decoremachine Groove wheel mechanism Bevel gear Cylindrical cam mechanism


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