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多功能数控车床的进给系统设计 Design of feed system of multi-function CNC lathe PAGE I 摘要 对于生产类型的行业来说,其产品质量的五大控制手段分为:人、机、料、法、环。而作为其中的重要一环,设备的好坏也直接影响着产品的最终形态。对于车床行业而言,发展数控车床是重中之重,而这其中,发展多功能数控机床——即斜床身卧式数控车床尤为关键。斜床身数控车床因其独特的优点,它在数控车床行业中占有非常重要的位置。斜床身卧式数控车床的主要特点在于:1、可配备多工位刀塔或者动力刀塔,可以用于各类复杂零件的加工;2、具备直线插补、圆弧插补的各项补偿功能,加工精度高。本课题设计的多功能数控车床的进给系统,它作为承载需加工零件的重要部分,它的精度等级也影响着产品成型后的尺寸。因此需要对其运行环境进行综合考量,查阅相关资料,在对其关键部件进行计算校核。 本设计首先对多功能数控车床的进给系统包含的零部件进行了明确,然后对相关参数进行了确定,选择了合适的滚珠丝杠和伺服电机,再对联轴器进行选择,最后对轴承进行选型和校核。 本设计在对各部件的合理的计算,保证了进给系统的稳定性和高精度,完成了对多功能数控机床进给系统的设计,以期为相关设计提供了设计参考。 关键词 多功能数控车床;进给系统;关键部件 徐州工程学院毕业设计说明书 Abstract For the production type of the industry, its product quality control means is divided into five: people, machine, material, law, ring. And as one of the important links, the quality of equipment also directly affects the final form of the product. For the Lathe Industry, the development of numerical control lathe is the most important, and among them, the development of multi-functional numerical control machine tool —— The horizontal numerical control lathe with inclined bed is the key. Because of its unique advantages, CNC lathe with inclined bed occupies a very important position in CNC lathe industry. The main features of the horizontal CNC lathe with slanting bed are: 1. It can be equipped with multi-position tool towers or power tool towers, which can be used for machining various complicated parts; 2. It has the compensation functions of linear interpolation and circular interpolation, high machining accuracy. The multi-functional CNC lathe feed system designed in this paper, as an important part of bearing parts to be processed, its accuracy level also affects the size of the product after forming. Therefore, it is necessary to carry on the comprehensive consideration to its operating environment, consult the relevant data, and carry on the calculation check to its key components. This design first clarified the parts included in the feed system of the multi-func


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