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疯狂动物城台词 1: 03 fear,treachery ,blood lust 恐惧,背叛和嗜血 1:08 thousands of years ago these were the forces that ruled our world 数万年前支配希我们 的世界 1:13 a world where prey were scared of predators 那时食草动物惧怕食肉动物 1:17 and predators had an uncontrollable而食肉动物无法遏制的本能 1:20 biological urge to maim, and maul,and 让他们捕猎,残杀,还有 1 :26 blood blood blood 流血,血,血 1:36 and death 和死亡 1:44 back then ,the world was divide in two 那时世界分成两部分 1:47 vicious predator or meek prey凶残的食肉动物和温顺的食草动物 1:54 but over time ,we evolved但我们也随着时间进化 1:57 and moved beyond or primitive savage ways将这原始野蛮的生活方式抛在 后 2 :01 now predator and prey live in harmony现在食肉动物和食草动物和谐共处 2 :06 and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities 每只哺乳动物的未来都有 了 无限 可能 2 :10 yeah, I dont have to cower in a herd anymore 我们不用再缩在羊群里 2 :15 instead 1 can be an astronaut 我们可以做宇航员 2:20 I dont have to be a lonely hunter anymore 我不用再孤单地追扑狩猎 2 :24 today I can hunt for ta e emptions 我可以追扑逃税的人 2:26 Im gonna be an actuary 我要做精算师 2:30 and I can make the world a better place. I am going to be 我可以让世界更美好,我要做 2 :37 a police officer 警察 2:42 bunny cop? Thai is the most stupidest thing I ever heard!兔子警察,简直蠢透了 2 :45 it may seem impossible to small minds 眼界狭窄的当然不可能 2 :49 Im looking at you ,gidenon grey 说的就是你 吉迪恩格雷 2 :51 but just2 11miles away, stands the great city of zootopia 就在 2 11 英里外,矗立若一个伟大 的动物城 3 :00 where our ancestors first j oined together in peace 我们双方的祖先签订和平契约 3 :02 and declared that anyone can be anything正式宣布,谁都能成为无限可能 3 :10 thank you and good night 3:13 judy you ever wonder how 朱迪,你想没想过 3:15 your mom and me got to be so dam happy?你妈妈和我为什么这么幸福吗 3 :16 nope 没有 3 :17 well, we gave up on our dreams ,and we settled. Right, bon?我们放弃了梦想 安定了下 来,对吗,邦尼? 3 :20 oh yes. Thats right, stu. We settled hard 是啊,斯图,我们可安定了。 3 :23 you see Jhat^ the beauty of complacency Jude 这就是知足常乐 3:27 if you dont try anything new, youll never fail.不尝试新的事物,就绝不会失败 3 :28 I like trying ,actually 我挺喜欢尝试的


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