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Customs Regulations;Entry:;;;Bringing in the following articles is prohibited: ;;Exit:;Taking out the following articles is prohibited: ;;The Food and Beverage;1.Its Importance;2. Food and Beverage Outlets;4. Service Evaluation;3-Star Rating in the Restaurant Trade;5. FB Organization Chart;FB personnel and their job descriptions;;Typical Chinese Food its translation;1.Special in Guilin ;Local Snacks;2.Dishes And Their Stories;过桥米线;夫妻肺片;;北京烤鸭;;天津狗不理包子;红油火锅;;麻婆豆腐 ;Translate Chinese food into English;Chinese Flavor;Cutting刀功 ;烹饪方式Cookery;;More Translation;;;Confrontation of front officeoperation;Front Desk Success at Westin Seattle;1. Far-sighted policies of promotion ;2. thorough hiring practices;3.people-oriented management ;4. efficient, well-organized system ; 4. efficient, well-organized system ;4. efficient, well-organized system ;4. efficient, well-organized system ;Front Office Operation (I);;The importance of the front office ;Functions of the Front Office;Front Office Organization/ personnel;Responsibilities /Job descriptions of the front Office Personnel;Night Auditor;Kinds of room;Size of bed;Front Office Operation (II);The guest cycle;1.Pre-arrival;1)Factors affecting a guest’s choice of hotels;2)Front office function at pre-arrival stage;2. Arrival;P.S.: International credit cards:;3.occupancy;4.Departure;Q:;图表展示; 酒店分类;Ways of Categorizing Hotels;;1.According to hotel size;2.According to Hotel Target Markets;1) Commercial hotels;2) Suite Hotels;3) Airport Hotels;4) Resort hotels;5) Conference centers;6) Residential hotels;3. According to the hotel quality of service;star rating: ;Star rating;Star rating;4. According to the ownership and affiliation;1) Independent hotels;2) Parent company;3) Management contract ;4) Franchise;5. Referral Groups;A country-flavor Hotel;Hotel English;Teaching aims;A. general introduction about the course-;;B. General Introduction to Hotels and Tourism;Laundry Service;Types of service;Types of Service;Special requirements


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