新概念第二册 lesson 33课件.pptx

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新概念英语第二册 教学课件 Out of the darkness Lesson 33 words review retire company bicycle save employ grandson once temptation article wrap simply arrest What do you think happened in this story? A strom hit the ship and the ship sank. Can you escape from a sea storm? A girl did, let’s find out. new words 1. darkness n. 黑暗 dark adj. 黑暗的, n.黑暗,黄昏,黑夜 in the dark 在黑暗中 e.g. They ran through the forest in the dark. 他们在黑暗中跑过森林。 翻译:在云南旅游时,我在黑暗中迷了路。 I lost my way in the dark when I travelled in Yunnan. darkness 2. explain v. 解释,叙述 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 因为Tom迟到了,所以他不得不向老师解释原因。 Because Tom was late, he had to explain the reason to his teacher. 请给我解释一下怎么用这个手机? Please explain how to use the cell phone? explain 解释,叙述 我可以解释,让我解释! I can explain, let me explain. 我不想听你解释! I don’t want to hear you explain! 你不需要再解释了! You neednt explain any more. 不抱怨,不解释。 Never complain and never explain 3. coast n.海岸(沿海的狭长陆地,水面着眼来说明它与陆地相衔接) shore n.海岸(江海与陆地相接的地方,强调从陆地着眼来说明它与水面的衔接) On shore/On the coast 在岸上 Off shore/Off the coast 在近海处 shore coast Let’s listen to a song to tell the difference the End of the World 4. storm n. 暴风雨 sandstorm 沙尘暴 snowstorm storm Snowstorm? 5. towards prep. 向,朝;对于;接近 下了公共汽车,他向着他的公司走去。 After getting off the bus, he walked towards his company. 翻译: You should know that your attitude(态度) towards study isn’t correct. 我爸爸朝我跑来。 rock rock rock n. 岩石, 礁石 (c) n. 摇滚乐 rock music light sunlight light n. 灯光;灯 v. 点燃;照亮 adj.轻的 In the dark I saw him light a light, and the light lit the room. The light is so light that even a child can carry it. 8.ahead adv. 在前面 go ahead 开始…吧[口语] ;前进,进行,继续 --May I start now? 我可以开始了吗? --Yes, go ahead. 当然可以,开始吧。 cliff 10. struggle [ˈstrʌɡl] v. 奋斗,努力;挣扎 struggle for…… 为了……而斗争 In America, the black people are always struggling for their equal rights as a human. He died in peace, didn’t struggle at all. struggle against…… 与……作斗争 He failed



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