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Lead in Activities;Unit 1 Growing Up;1. Did the author want to be a writer?- Para 1;2. Did the writer like English?- Para 1 ;3. What kind of teacher did he meet in the third year of high school? -Para 2;Passage A Writing for Myself;Passage A Writing for Myself;Passage A Writing for Myself;Passage A Writing for Myself;Passage A Writing for Myself;Passage A Writing for Myself;Passage A Writing for Myself;Circle all the time words, phrases in the text ;Passage A Writing for Myself;Passage A Writing for Myself;Cultural notes;Spaghetti;The Art of Eating Spaghetti;The U.S. Grade School System;Detailed Understanding;from time to time, now and again, sometimes 断断续续地,有时;take hold: become established 确立;It was not until ...that ... not until三种句型;associate with: join or connect together 使联络,使联想;turn out: produce 生产,制造;assign: give as a share or duty 分配,分配;结构︰ sb is said / believed /expected / thoughted / reported to do sth. = It is+过去分词(said/believed/expected/thought/ reported)+that从句 说明︰ 惯用这类 句型 有: “It is said that…(听说…)”,“It is believed that…(普通相信)”,“It is expected that…(普通预料)”, “It is thought that…(普通认为…)”,“It is reported that…(据报导…)”,“It is estimated that…(据预计…)”,“It is known that…(普通皆知…)”。;?It is believed that health is above wealth.;?It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich ones knowledge/broad one’s horizon. ? ?;Mr. Fleagle;How many “prim / primly” are used in Para. 2 ? ;tackle: deal with 处理,应对;distribute: divide and give out among people分发,分配,分送;10. I took the list home and did nothing until the night before the essay was due. Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task… (L21);face up to: be brave enough to accept or deal with勇敢接收或面对;Translation;Translation;Translation;Translation;11. To write it as I wanted, however, would violate all the rules of formal composition(L36);Translation;How many “I wanted’s” are used in Para. 5 ? ;Translation;what’s more: in addition, more importantly;hold back: prevent the expr


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