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全新版大学英语 Book 3 ;Unit 7;I. Warm-up activity II. Text Structure Analysis III. Global Reading IV. Language Point;I. Warm-up activity;Definition of Sales Promotion;Four Stages in Promoting a Product ;attract the attention of potential customers ;arouse interest in the product ;create a desire for its benefits ;encourage customers to take prompt action ;Role Play ;Role Play ;Text Organization ;F;3. His dead mother never thought he could do anything. ;Bill Porter has ever been a soldier fighting in the battlefield. ;For Part Three: Blank Filling;For Part Four: Group Discussion;1. linger: vi.;CF: stay, linger remain ;2. dignity;3. cripple: vt.;4. betray: vt.;4. betray: vt.;5. gain on;6. tremble;shake, tremble shiver 这几个词都是动词,都有“震动、颤动”之意。;shiver主要指因为严寒、恐惧而引发肌肉短暂、快速颤动 She came into the house snow-covered and shivering. 她走进房间,满身是雪,冷得直发抖。;7. kick up: (cause to) rise;8. tilt:;9. lean:;10. delivery: n.;11. disorder: n.;12. transfer:;13. representative: n. a person who represents others;delegate 指某人被选派或委托为代理或代表。普通来说,delegate不含有全权,而只能按照他们代表大多数人意愿或指示行事。 He is a trade union delegate. 他是工会代表。;agent 意思是“代理人(商)”。指任何一个有代理权人或团体,或在双方之间代表一方起中间人作用人 An estate agent acts on behalf of the landlord in transactions between landlord and tenant. 一个房地产代理人在房主和客户之间交易中代表房主利益。 ;representative本义是指某人作为代表在一定场所行使职权或处理事务,但该词惯用来指团体选出代表该团体利益参加某种会议或处理某类事务者。 They are representatives of the various departments of science and art. 他们是科学界和艺术界代表。;14. retail; 1.vt. injure (the body or the part of it) or make it weak by too much effort He strained his back when he removed the piano with his friends. 2.n. a severe demand on mental or physical strength, resources, abilities, etc. (followed by on) 这工作给他很大压力。 The work put a great strain on him. She has been under terrible strain since her company was bankrupted. ;Collocation: impose/place/put a strain on使……受到压力 stand the strain 忍受压力 relieve the strain 使担心状态松弛 a mental strain 精神状态担心 back str


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