新概念英语第三册 Lesson28 Five pounds too dear 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson28 Five pounds too dear 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册 新版教学课件 Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear contents Part 4 : Grammar Part 3 :Notes on text Part 2 : Words and expressions Part 1 : Warming up Part 5 : Summary 3 2 1 4 5 Part 1 Warming up Part 2 Words and expressions New Words wares anchor deck silverware tempt bargain disembark assail [æŋkә] [dek] [silvәwєә] [tempt] [ba:gin] [disimba:k] [әseil] n.货物,商品 v.抛锚,停泊 n.甲板 n.银器 v.吸引;引诱 v.讨价还价;n.便宜货 v.下船上岸 v.纠缠 New Words marble inscribe favour gesticulate outrageous thrust [ma:bl] [inskraib] [feivә] [dʒestikjuleit] [autreidʒәs] [θrʌst] n.小玻璃球 v.刻写,雕 n.好处,优惠 v.(讲话时)打手势 a.出人预料的;令人不悦的 v.硬塞给;强行挤进 Peddling Way wares wares n. [pl.](货郎随身携带的) 商品, 货物 ware n. 陶器;[总称][常用于复合词]器皿; 物品 small wares 小百货 The peddler sold his wares cheap. 小贩廉价出售货物。 ironware 铁器 chinaware 陶器 glassware 玻璃器皿 silverware 银器 dishware 餐具 software 软件 goods goods n. [pl. ] 商品, 货物(尤指商店内出售的布匹、食品、糖果等) eg. frozen goods goods of quality goods train - What goods does your shop sell? Theres a large variety of goods in our shop. commodity n. [常用复数正式用语]日用品; 商品; 农[矿]产品; 有用的东西 eg. agricultural/farm commodities 农产品 export/import commodities 出/进口货 finished/ready commodities 成品制品 non-processed commodities 未加工商品 primary commodities 初级商品 taxed commodities 已纳税商品 commodity Air Conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad. 空调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。 The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year. 今年各种物价相当稳定。 anchor / aerjka / v. /n.抛锚,把…固定于,锚 We anchored our ship close to the shore. 我们把船停在靠岸处。 固定搭配cast anchor抛锚 at anchor停泊: We lay at anchor outside the harbor. 我们在港口夕卜停泊着。 tempt vt.引诱; 诱惑, 引起(食欲等); 吸引; Phrases: never to be tempted off the straight path tempt sb to do sth / tempt sb into (doing) sth Urge sb to do sth eg. They tried to tempt her with money. They tempted the children to steal. The warm weather tempted us into swimming. bargain n. 交易; 合同; 协议; 廉价货; 成交的商品 eg. make a bargain with sb 与某人达成协议 He made a bargain with his wife You take care of the children and Ill cook. At that


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