新概念英语第三册 Lesson38 The first calender 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson38 The first calender 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册 Lesson38 The first calender 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 新版教学课件 Lesson 38 The first calender contents Part 4 : Grammar Part 3 :Notes on text Part 2 : Words and expressions Part 1 : Warming up Part 5 : Summary 3 2 1 4 5 Part 1 Warming up Part 2 Words and expressions New Words calendar historian unique steadily solely video CD-ROM bewilder deduce [kælindә] [histɔ:riәn] [ju:ni:k] [stedili] [sәuli] [vidiәu] [biwildә] [didju:s] n.历法,日历 n.历史学家 a.无与伦比的;独特的 ad.不断地 ad.唯一地 n.录像 n.(只读)光盘驱动器 v.令人眼花缭乱 v.推断,推理 New Words scanty mammoth tusk nomad correlate clue insignificant shed advent [skænti] [mæmәθ] [tʌsk] [nɔmәd] [kɔrileit] [klu:] [insignifikәnt] [ʃed] [ædvәnt] a.不足的,贫乏的 n.(古生物)长毛象 n.獠牙,长牙,象牙 n.游牧民 v.使相互联系 n.线索 a.不重要的 v.使流出,泻 n.出现,到来,来临 New Words agriculture assumption dot symbol engrave ivory phase primitive depict [ægrikʌltʃә] [әsʌmpʃәn] [dɔt] [simbәl] [ingreiv] [aivәri] [feiz] [primitiv] [dipikt] n.农业 n.假定,设想 n.小圆点 n.符号 v.雕刻 n.象牙制品 n.月相,天相 a.原始的 v.描画,描绘 mass CD-ROM calendar 历法,日历 solar calendar 阳历 lunar calendar阴历 Today is her birthday according to the solar calendar. historian 历史学家 historic (adj.) 可名垂青史的,历史上著名的 A historic building/ moment historical (adj.) (有关)历史的 the historical background to the war 历史背景 historical documents/ records/ research 史学文献/ 档案/ 研究 unique 唯一的,独一无二的 Everyone’s fingerprints are unique. 独特的,罕见的 A unique talent (某人、地或事物)独具的, 特有的 The koala is unique to Australia. steadily Steady Constant 稳步的,持续的,匀速的 five years of steady economic growth Regular 稳定的,恒定的 His breathing was steady. A steady job/ income 稳的,平稳的 He held the boat steady. Steadily Steadily The company’s exports have been increasing steadily. solely Only She was motivated solely by self-interest. 她完全出于私利 Selection is based solely on merit. 选拔唯贤 He became solely responsible for the firm. deduce Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve? 你保持沉默, 我们是否可以据此而推断出你不赞成? We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy. 从人们选购的东西可以做出多方面的推断 scanty Scant (adj.): hardly any (只用在名词前) I paid scant attention to what she was saying


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