新概念英语第三册 Lesson12 Life on a desert island 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson12 Life on a desert island 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册;Lesson 12 Life on a desert island;contents;Part 1 Warming up;Background Knowledge Robinson Crusoe n. The hero of Daniel Defoes novel Robinson Crusoe of 1719, a shipwrecked English sailor who, by virtue of his own ingenuity, survives for years on a small tropical island. 鲁滨逊, 丹尼尔1719年的小说 鲁滨逊漂流记中的主人翁,他是一名英国海员,船只失事后,依靠自己的智慧在一个热带小岛上生存了数年 ;Part 2 Words and expressions;prince;(1) Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are 现实的 eg. She gave us a realistic appraisal of our chances. a realistic report (2) Of or relating to the representation of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are 现实主义的,写实的 eg. a realistic novel about ghetto life a realistic writer;Not compatible with reality or fact; unreasonably idealistic: 不现实的; 不实在的; 空想的 eg. unrealistic expectations It is unrealistic to think that you can learn English well in a short time.;miserable, dismal, of very inferior quality 不幸的; 悲惨的; 可怜的; 感到沮丧的, 卑劣的; 恶劣的; 使人很不舒服的 the wretched prisoners 不幸的囚犯 a wretched life 悲惨的生活 a wretched building 破旧的建筑 wretched weather 恶劣的天气 a wretched prose 拙劣的散文;To suffer or die from extreme or prolonged lack of food 挨饿, 遭受或死于极端或长期的缺乏食物 eg. Whats for dinner? Im starving! starve to death 饿死 phrase: starve for sth. 渴望得到… eg. I am starving for your news. Shes lonely, and starving for companionship. ; (pl) 天气, 坏天气; (pl) 基础, 基本原理; 化学元素;元件;要素, 成分, 基本单位; 微量, 少量 a war of the elements 暴风雨 the elements of grammar 语法基础 The elements of physics are difficult to grasp. 物理学的原理难以掌握。 Both hydrogen and oxygen are elements. 氢和氧都是化学元素 advanced elements 先进分子 phrase: an element of sth 少量…,微量…;not the least/no element of sth没有一点… eg. There is an element of truth in what you say. 你的话有些真实性。 There is not the least /no element of truth in his account of what happened. 他对所发生的事情的叙述没有一点真实性。 Theres always an element of danger in mountain climbing.;phrase: have an opportunity to do sth have an opportunity for/of (doing) sth. 有做某事的机会 make the most of an opportunity 尽力利用机会


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