新概念英语第三册 Lesson58 A spot of bother 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson58 A spot of bother 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册;Lesson 58 A spot of bother;contents;Part 1 Warming up;words;Part 2 Words and expressions;New Words;New Words;prudent ; Elizabeth Tower / BIG BEN;lift ;prudent ;composure ;hinder ;chaos ;toss ;fussy ;Exhausted;fingerprint;inconceivable;veritable;magpie;discard;constable;ransack;balcony;Part 3 Notes on text ;a spot of bother 一点小麻烦 You seem to be having a spot of bother with your car— can I help? 看来你的汽车有点让你伤脑筋了要我帮忙吗? I got into a spot of bother with my boss when I was late again this morning. 今天早晨我又迟到了,跟我的老板闹了一点小麻烦。;1. The old lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived. Her shopping had tired her and her basket and grown heavier with every step of the way home. In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest; 老妇人回到了她居住的公寓楼,心里很高兴。去商店买东西把她搞得筋疲力尽;在回家的路上,她每走一步,就感到手里的篮子又重了一点。她乘上电梯后,只想着午餐和好好休息一下。;block of flats 公寓楼 n. 街区;大块;大楼 a large office block 一栋办公大楼 vt. 堵塞,堵住;封锁;挡住(视线) The road was completely blocked because Michelle Obama was visiting Beijing.;【例1】(北京卷,29) When we saw the road_______with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. A. block B. to block C. blocking D. blocked;When we saw the road_______with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. A. block B. to block C. blocking D. blocked;2. but when she got out at her own floor, both were forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door was open. She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morning for such a monstrous piece of negligence, 但她到自己的楼层走出电梯后,就把这两件事忘了个干净,因为她突然发现她家的大门开着。她心想明天上午一定要好好训斥那个干家务的帮手,她竟如此疏忽大意。;monstrous = very shocking 骇人听闻的 monstrous news 骇人听闻的新闻 monstrous monster 怪兽 monstrous behaviors 怪异的行文 It’s monstrous to charge that much for a single pair shoes. 单单这 么一双鞋就卖这么贵实在骇人听闻。;negligence n. 粗心大意,疏忽 medical negligence 医疗事故 slight negligence 轻微过失 ; 轻微过失 Her mother accused her of negligence unless she phones home every day.;neglect n. (1)忽视,忽略 (2)被忽略的状况 vt. (1)忽视,忽略 (2)(由于粗心或健忘而)未能做(某事) 辨析:neglect和ignore;3. when she remembered


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