新概念英语第三册 Lesson40 Whoswho 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson40 Whoswho 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册 新版教学课件 Lesson 40 Whos who contents Part 4 : Grammar Part 3 :Notes on text Part 2 : Words and expressions Part 1 : Warming up Part 5 : Summary 3 2 1 4 5 Part 1 Warming up Part 2 Words and expressions New Words hoax deception self-respecting indulge pneumatic drill silly advance archway [hәuks] [disepʃәn] [indʌldʒ] [nju:mætik] [dril] [sili] [әdva:ns] [a:tʃwei] n.骗局,戏弄 n.欺骗,骗局 a.自重的,自尊的 v.使沉迷;享受 a.气动的 n.钻 a.无意义的,无聊的 a.预先的,事先获得的 n.拱形门楼 New Words remonstrate ironically permission grant [rimɔnstreit] [airɔnikәli] [pә(:)miʃәn] [gra:nt] v.规劝,告诫 ad.讽刺地 n.许可 v.同意,准予 scenery sight view scene scene/view/sight/scenery archway specialize in 专门从事 particularly good at She specialize in environmental policy. I went to a restaurant specialized in Japanese food. Put out put out : The fire brigade put out the fire.被灭掉 go out: The fire goes out. 自己灭掉 hoax n. something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage play a hoax on sb. 戏弄某人 The boy student is thinking how to play a hoax on his classmate. play a trick on sb. 戏弄某人 Play/make a joke on sb. 开某人玩笑 tell a joke 讲笑话 Play a joke 恶作剧 deception deception n. the act of cheating (不是故意的欺骗) She referred to the pills as sweet, so the harmless deception made it easy for her child to take them. deceit (故意的)欺骗 We are incapable of deceit. indulge indulge v. be addicted to indulge oneself in sth. be indulged in He indulged himself in smoking and drinking. He was indulged in smoking and drinking. v. give free rein to She indulges her only son.溺爱 silly silly adj. 蠢的, 傻的; 不明事理的; 没有意义的 Don’t play such a silly hoax. n. 傻孩子,淘气鬼 .( 常用于向孩子指出其愚蠢行为) Dont be a silly foolish foolish 强调愚蠢的,笨的,不明智的 I remonstrated him not to do anything foolish. stupid人及言行缺乏良好的判断力,天生的迟钝 dull 迟钝的 advance advance adj. being ahead of time or need They have got advance information of the storms approach. 他们事前已得到将有暴风雨的消息。 in advance Everything was fixed in advance. 一切都是预先安排好的。 remonstrate remonstrate v. 规劝,告诫 r


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