新概念英语第三册 Lesson35 Justice was done 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson35 Justice was done 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册;Lesson 35 Justice was done;contents;Part 1 Warming up;justice n. 公平,正义 justice was done 正义得到声张 do justice to sb./sth. 公平对待某人/某事 bring sb. to justice 使某人归案 a court of justice 法庭;Part 2 Words and expressions;New Words;New Words;New Words;court of law;emerge;justice;justice;court ;court of law;law;law ;innocence;innocent ;undertake;undertake;arduous;concept;concept;abstract;abstract;mete out;interference;interfere ;interfere ;accord;accord;premises;convert;disused;fireplace;muffle;chip;blacken;emerge;beyond ;beyond ;Part 3 Notes on text ;1.The word justice is usually associated with courts of law. We might say that justice has been done when a mans innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt. Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. “正义”这个词常常是同法庭连在一起的。当某人被证据确凿地证明无罪的时候,我们也许会说正义得到了伸张。 正义是复杂的法律机器组成部分。;associate v. 联 系 associate A with B 把A和B联系起来 be associated with… 跟…有关系 We always associate pigeon with peace. 我们通常会把鸽子跟和平联系起来。 People always associate Paris with Romans 人们总是把巴黎和浪漫联系在一起 ;court of law;beyond+ n. beyond doubt 不容置疑 beyond belief 难以想象 beyond words 难以形容 beyond question 没问题 beyond controversy 无可争辩 beyond imagination 难以想象 beyond understanding 难以理解;2. Those who seek it undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it. Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes. 那些寻求正义的人走的是一条崎岖的道路,从来没有把握他们最终将到正义。法官无论如何聪明与有名,毕竟也是 人,也会出差错的。;undertake v. 承 担 Who will undertake responsibility for this work? 谁将承担这项工作的责任? Do not undertake a project unless you can implement it. 不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。;arduous adj. 艰难的(hard,difficult) an arduous cliffclimbing 艰难的峭壁攀岩 an arduous task 艰辛的任务 ;however =no matter how 引导状语从句 You should report any incident, however serious or minor it is.;eminent 英 [?em?n?nt] 美 [?em?n?nt] adj. 记忆技巧:e 出 + min 伸出,突出 + ent …的 → 杰出的,突出?? (of people 人) (尤指在某专业中)卓越的,著名的,显赫的 an eminent architect (of good qualities 良好品质) 非凡的;杰出的 a man of eminent good sense;【例1】 (辽宁卷) One can always manage to


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