新概念英语第三册 Lesson18 Electric currents in modern art 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson18 Electric currents in modern art 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册;Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art;contents;Part 1 Warming up;Part 2 Words and expressions;New Words;New Words;n.电流(趋势, 电流, 水流, 气流) the flow of electricity 电流 a continuous movement of water 水流;adj.目前的, 现在的 current affairs 时事 currently adv.普遍地, 通常地, 现在, 当前 currency n.流通, 货币;n.雕塑 sculptural adj. 雕塑的, 雕刻般的 sculptor n.雕刻家 sculpt v.雕刻, 造型;sculpture of Jordan;sculpture of liberty;1)adj.错误的 =incorrect =wrong, =misunderstood The teacher has mistaken opinion of his pupil.;Mistake n.错误, 过失 make a mistake 犯错 by mistake 弄错了 He took my umbrella by mistake. 他错拿了我的伞。 and no mistake 确实如此 ;Mistake vt.把...误认为, 弄错, 误解 mistake sb for 把某人误认为 Yesterday I mistook him for my classmate.;National Portrait Gallery;watts gallery;n.展品, 陈列品 = something that show in public Exhibition n.展览会 We went to an exhibition to visit exhibits.;adv.古怪的 = strangely odd adj.古怪的(因为少见而奇怪) strange adj.陌生的, 奇怪的(因为陌生而奇怪) queer adj.奇特的(因为不同于其它的而奇怪) Fantastic adj.奇妙的 Eccentric adj.怪癖的;vt.系、拴、粘上、贴上 attach…to… attach…to sb for sth 因为某事而把…加再某人身上 attach importance to sth 对某事非常重视 be attached to sth 喜欢, 喜爱 attachment n.附属物, 固定物, 爱慕, 友情;sphere;sphere;v.使磁化, 吸引 The iron was magnetized. His speech magnetized the listeners. ;v.排斥, 使厌恶 = to drive back, cause feelings of dislike Let me go at once, you repel me. 让我走, 你真让我恶心。;v.闪烁 = shine unsteadily unsteadily adv.不稳定地, 摇摆地 flash vi.闪光, 闪现 = shine for a moment;v.放射 = give off emit sound / emit smell / emit light / emit heat / emit smoke;flash;prehistoric;adj.电子的 Electronic 电子的 Electrical 和电有关的 Electric 靠电驱动的 1 _________ fan/ heater 2 _________ wire/engineer 3 _________ music/banking/games ;adj.奇异的 = strange and unusual The food has peculiar taste. 这食物有一种奇特的味道。 Im feeling rather peculiar. \= I am felling ill.;1)v.令人震惊,刺激人 get shocked 受震动 At the news, he got shocked. 2)n.震惊 get a big shock ;adv.??情上 emotional adj.易激动的, 情绪的, 感情脆弱的 反义词:unemotional emotive adj.使感动的, 感情的, 动感情的 emotion n.(抽象的)感情 feeling n.某时的内心感受;electric ;wire ;Part 3 Notes on te


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