新概念英语第三册 Lesson13 Its only me 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson13 Its only me 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册;Lesson 13 ItS only me;contents;Part 1 Warming up;Part 2 Words and expressions;costume;Costume [’k?stju:m] n.化装服 costume ball =costume party =fancy (dress) party 化妆舞会 suit(n.西装, 西服) dress(n.裙子) ;[k?n’s?st] v.由…组成 1) consist of... 由...组成 (表示被动概念) 2) be made up of… 由...组成;3) comprise v.包含, 由...组成(整体由部分所构成) The house consists of six rooms.;4) be composed of… 由...组成(强调有什么成分所组成) -- Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen.(compose v.组成, 写作);5) constitute vt.组成, 构成(部分构成整体) The committee consists of 10 members. (committee n.委员会) = Ten members constitute the committee.;words;Effective adj.有明显效果的, 有作用的 The costume is quite effective. Influential adj.有影响的, 有势力的(有潜移默化影响力的) What our parents do is influential to children. Efficacious adj.(医药)有效的,灵验的 The drug is efficacious. Fruitful adj.有成效的, 产生结果的 Their experiment is fruitful. ;Effective 有效果的,奏效的 Efficient 有效率的 A lawyer needs an_______ secretary. A.inefficient B.efficient C.effective D.sufficient;Comfortable adj.舒适的 反义词:uncomfortable Comfort n.舒适 v.安慰 Discomfort n.不舒适 vt.使不舒适, 使不便 In spite of discomforts he is determined to stay here. ;Storeroom;Electricity ?;Metre;Pace [pe?s] n.一步 keep the pace with the times 与时俱进;escape 指逃脱约束或控制,含有“迫切”意味,指逃跑之后的结果, 但行为本身不一定匆忙。 The prisoner escaped from prison. 犯人从监狱逃跑了。;flee 指单纯地仓皇逃走,行为本身是突然,匆忙的,且事先无准备, 不表明是否逃脱。 They fled the burning house. 他们从燃烧着房子中逃出来。;run away 指具体的体力活动,不表明动作的快捷敏捷,与 get away 相同。 He used a stolen car to run away. 他利用一辆偷来的车逃跑了。;words;stair ;Part 3 Notes on text ;1. After her husband had gone to work. Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. 理查兹夫人等丈夫上班走后,把孩子送去上学,然后来到楼上自 己的卧室。;2. She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress party with her husband. 那天上午,她兴奋得什么家务活都不想做,因为晚上她要同丈 夫一起参加一个化装舞会。;fancy n. 想象 The teachers story titillated the fancy of the pupils. 老师的故事激发了学生们的想像力。 adj. 精美的,别致的 She likes wearing fancy dresses. 她喜欢穿着精美的裙子。;3. S


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