Sheng Wang: Sweet and Juicy《王胜:香甜多汁(脱口秀)(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Sheng Wang: Sweet and Juicy《王胜:香甜多汁(脱口秀)(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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我非常开心、荣幸、喜悦 今晚能在这里 I am so happy and honored and overjoyed to be here tonight, 介绍我一位最好的朋友 introducing one of my best friends 还有我在全世界最喜欢的 喜剧演员之一: and one of my favorite comedians in the entire world: 王胜! Sheng Wang! 黄阿丽 各位 黄阿丽 Ali Wong, everybody. Ali Wong. 谢谢 非常感谢大家 Thank you. Thank you so very much. 能来这里我超级激动、感激 I am… super excited and grateful to be here. 你们知道 随着年龄的增长 You know, as you get older, 你会第一次做很多事情 you do a lot of things for the very first time. 这就是成长的本质 This is the nature of growing up. 但有时候 你会做你觉得 自己永远不会做的事情 But sometimes, you do things you thought you would never, ever do. 比如我最近在好市多批发超hearts;市hearts;买hearts;hearts;裤子 Like, I recently bought pants from Costco. 这是件大事 这是你人生的新篇章 Thats a big deal. Thats a new chapter in your life. 因为当你从好市多买hearts;hearts;裤子时 你就不再在乎了 Because when you buy pants from Costco, thats when you dont care anymore. 那时候我们放下自我 开始我们的精神之旅 Thats when we let go of our egos and we begin our spiritual journey. 对吧? Right? 你听到别人说的话 然后说 You hear people say stuff, and go, “我不关心别人的意见 我不在乎他们怎么想” Im not concerned about others opinions. I dont care what they think. 那只是说说 That is just talk. 直到你买hearts;hearts;了好市多的裤子 Until you back it up with the Costco pants purchase. 这样你才能知道他是真心的 他是真的不在乎 Thats how you let him know he for real. He dont give a damn for real. 他想要柯克兰的裤子 He wanted the Kirkland pants. 别惹他们 Dont mess with them. 当你看到有人穿着柯克兰牌的裤子时 你知道两件事 When you see somebody wearing Kirkland pants, you know two things. 第一 他们会不顾一切活下去 Number one, they do what it takes to live. 第二 他们已经不怕死了 Number two, but they not afraid to die anymore. 因为好市多教你如何放手 Because Costco teaches you how to let go. 在我去店里之前 在我的车上 Before I get to the store, in my car, 我做了快速的冥想和动员 I do a quick little meditation-slash-pep rally. 我觉得我们要去一个敌对的环境 I say were about to go to a hostile environment. 你已经知道会有一些不公平 You already know theres gonna be some injustice. 肯定会有直截了当的暴行 Theres gonna be straight-up atrocities. 尽量说出来 接受无法改变的事情 Speak up when you can, accept things you cannot change.


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