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诚心诚意许个愿 When you wish upon a star 它会实现 Your dreams come true 这曲子还不错吧?大家好 Isnt that a catchy little tune? Well, how do? 我是蟋蟀 蟋蟀吉明尼 Crickets the name. Jiminy Cricket, to be precise. 我会给你们讲一个非常动人的故事 And Im here to tell you one humdinger of a tale. 这个故事发生在很久以前 Its a story that begins a long time ago. 其实应该是很久很久很久以前 Actually, its a story that begins once upon a time, a long time ago. 没错 好多了 这样说更准确 Thats right. Much better. Much more precise. 我一直没搞明白 很久很久以前到底是什么时候 Never understood that expression. How can it be once upon a time? 是谁在讲故事?你还是我? Hey, whos telling this story? Me or you? 你是谁? Well, who are you? 我就是你 年纪更大更聪明 Im you. Only older and wiser. 真的吗?你怎么知道? Really? How do you figure? 因为我是多年后讲这个故事的旁白 Because Im the narrator telling this story post facto. 所以我很清楚 在这个故事里你会经历些什么 I know exactly whats gonna happen to you on this adventure. 是吗?那我倒想问问你 我能找到暖和的地方住吗? Really? Well, let me ask you this. Am I ever gonna be warm again? 继续往前走吧 你会知道的 Just keep walking. Youll find out. 你这算什么旁白嘛 Some storyteller you are. 我可以继续讲了吗? Shall I continue? 你讲吧 爱讲多久就讲多久 Go for it. Narrate to your hearts content. 谢谢 Thank you. 故事发生在很久很久以前 Once upon a time, a long time ago, 我孤零零地来到这个古老的小镇 my travels took me to a quaint little village. 木匠师hearts;傅hearts;盖比特 擅长制hearts;作hearts;时钟 玩具和小物件 Mastro Geppetto. Wood-carver, fabricator of clocks, toys, oddments. 小物件?这地方挺适合我 Oddments, huh? Sounds like my kind of place. 这里改一改 Maybe something here 耳朵再修一修 A touch behind the ear 不是男孩 是木偶 出自我的手 Not a boy. Just a toy for a puppeteer - 往事让我牵挂 我又在想念他 Thinking way back when Im missing him again 年轻的心 歌hearts;还未唱 Heart so young, songs unsung 他还在会怎样 Oh, what might have been 只有在我梦里 他才会现身 I see him in my dreams So perfectly, it seems 梦想要如何才能成真 If I could only make These dreams come true 也许没希望 I may never find 能还原他模样 This vision in my mind 但我心里 会永远记得那感觉 Memory may hold the key 就像他在我身边一样 To feeling how I felt when he was here with me 我们尽情欢笑 There was so much laughter 谁又能想到 But we couldnt see 生活其实不会永远美好 Happily ever after was neve


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