Where the Crawdads Sing《沼泽深处的女孩(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Where the Crawdads Sing《沼泽深处的女孩(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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沼泽不是沼泽。 Marsh is not swamp. 沼泽是一片光明的空间。 Marsh is a space of light... 那里的草长在水里。 where grass grows in water... 水流入天空。 and water flows into the sky. 然后在沼泽里,到处都是..。 Then within the marsh, here and there... 真正的沼泽。 true swamp. 沼泽知道死亡的一切。 A swamp knows all about death... 并不一定定义为悲剧。 and doesnt necessarily define it as tragedy. 当然不是罪过。 Certainly not a sin. 我以为蔡斯 · 安德鲁斯会更有常识。 I thought Chase Andrews would have more common sense. 这个镇上最好的四分卫。 Best quarterback this town ever had. 孩子们,这是你们的脚印吗? Boys, are these your footprints here? 是的,长官。 Yes, sir. 他的脚印呢? Wheres his footprints? 是啊,有些孩子只是脑子里有些疯狂的想法 Yeah, some kids just get crazy ideas in their heads 喝酒,认为他们是不可战胜的。 and drink and think theyre invincible. Chase Andrews 不是小孩。 That Chase Andrews was no Kid. 嘿,看看这个。 Hey. Look at this. 他自己打开的?-可能是意外。 He open the grate himself? - Couldve been an accident, all the same. 死亡时间,午夜到凌晨两点之间。 Time of death, between midnight and 2 a.m. 死因是从63英尺高空坠落造成的突然撞击。 Cause of death, sudden impact from the 63-foot drop. 既然你在支撑梁上发现了血迹和头发, Since you found that blood and hair on the support beam, 我可以推断这就是原发伤的原因。 I would deduce that was the cause of the primary injury. 用外行人的话说,他下来的时候撞到了后脑勺。 Laymens terms, he banged the back of his head on the way down. 把他的后脑勺撞到横梁上, To hit the back of his head on the beam, 他就得往后倒,对吗? he wouldve needed to fall backwards, is that right? 是的-所以他可能是被推下去的。 Id say yes. - So he might have been pushed. 栏杆和栅栏上都没有指纹,什么都没有。 Theres no fingerprints on the railing, the grates, nothing. 没有指纹? Chase 也没有? No fingerprints? Not from Chase either? 没有指纹,没有痕迹。 No fingerprints, no tracks. 我们在夹克上发现了红色纤维。 We do have those red fibers found on the jacket. 我刚从亚特兰大拿到实验室报告。 I just got the lab report back from Atlanta. 不是他其他衣服上的。 They did not come from any of his other clothing. 上面说是羊毛,可能是毛衣,围巾。 Wool, it says. That could be a sweater, scarf. 什么都有可能。 Hell, it could be anything. 我们得找到它。 And we gotta find it. 美丽的妻子,温馨的家庭,想不到有谁会想杀 Chase。 A beautiful wife, good family. Cant think of anyone whod want to kill Chase. 拜托


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