外研版高中英语Module3-4 of Book5复习检测课.doc

外研版高中英语Module3-4 of Book5复习检测课.doc

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外研版高中英语Module3-4 of Book5复习检测课 回忆自测,查缺补漏 1.?从…退役 retire ? from 9.和…竞争 compete ? with 2.?比…有大优势 have ? an advantage over 10.由某人决定 be ? up to sb 3.保证做某事 guarantee ? to do 11.抗议,反对 protest ? against/about 4.投票支持 vote ? for 12.每隔一行 every ? other line 5.对…宣战 declare ? war on 13.实现体育梦想 achieve ? one’s sporting ambitions ambitions 6.正在增加 on ? the increase 14.在保修期内 under ? guarantee 7.站起身 rise ? to one’s feet 15.列出清单 make ? a list of 8.做某事没有意义 there ? is no point in doing sth 16.?那又怎样 ?so what ? ? ? ? ? 9.完结,结束 come ? to an end 24.放弃 give ? up 10.装扮,打扮 dress ? up 25.接管,接手 take ? over 11.have ? fun 过得愉快;玩得高兴 26.more ? or less 几乎;差不多;大约 12.on ? end 连续地;不断地 27.用…在…上做标记 mark---with--- ? 13.追溯到 date ? back to/date from 28.为纪念…… in ? memory of 14.由…组成 consist ? of/be made up of/be composed of 29.make ? (both) ends meet 使收支相抵 15.假装要做某事 pretend ? to do sth. 30.因……向某人祝贺 congratulate ? sb. on sth. ? 完成句子 ? ??____ ____ , there is probably _____ ? ? ?______ variation of pronunciation within the two countries ____ between ? ? ?them.? A Londoner has ______ ? ? ?_________ __________ a Scotsman from Glasgow _______ understanding a New ? ? ?Yorker. It has been possible to ? ? ?listen to British English and American English ____ ____ ____ of a switch. ?For Americans things are a little bit ? ? ?easier, ???? ______? ____the work of Noah Webster. 5.?One road ____ _____ ……is considered the most dangerous road . …But ____ _____, few drivers respect the rules. 6. Sometimes drivers give him some tips, so that he has just enough to ____ ____.But often they just pass by, ____ the human traffic signal ??? ____ ____. 7. This last experience ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ?? Timoteo. 8. The number of speech pathologists ?____ ____ ____ double by 2017. And social workers will continue to be _____ _____.? 活学活用 To cheer you up, I’d like to share a short essay.?????????Having learnt?how to analyze? complicated sentences, we should not?be nervous about?them, which?are associated with?the main idea or specific de


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