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关于非谓语动词总复习;非谓语动词的使用条件;;一. 不定式;We plan to pay a visit. The teacher ordered the work to be done. The boy pretended to be working hard. I happened to have seen the film.;;2.2 My job was to wash bottles, which would then be filled with wine, or ___ the filled bottles. to put B. putting C. having put D. being put;有些动词之后常跟to do作宾语,此类动词有如agree, offer, intend/plan, demand/ask, promise, help, prepare, decide, refuse, choose, wish/hope/want/expect, fail, pretend, manage, determine, beg, arrange, claim, aim, hesitate等;2.3 Mr. Smith warned his daughter ___ after drinking. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive ;注意:有些动词后接不带to的不定式做宾补 , 五看:watch, look at, see, observe, notice 三使:let, make , have 两听:hear, listen to 一感觉:feel eg:I saw him ______ (walk) into the park. His mother made him _____(get) up early in winter. ;动词不定式可用在被the first,the second,the last,the only和最高级等限定的名词或代词的后面作定语。 He is always the first to come and the last to leave school. We are invited to a party to be held in our club next Friday. I have a meeting to attend. There are a lot of work to do. The ability to communicate with others well is very important in the society.;1.(2010·重庆卷)Many buildings in the city need repairing,but the one________first is the library. A.repaired B.being repaired C.repairing D.to be repaired 2. I have a lot of readings _____ before the end of this term. A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed;不定式作状语时相当于一个状语从句,不定式作状语时往往用来作目的状语、结果状语或原因状语。 1.不定式用来作目的状语:往往译作“为了,想要”。放在句中不用逗号隔开 He worked day and night to get the money. ;1. He is too tired to get up early.;3. 不定式做原因状语常用于一些表情绪的形容词后,例如 happy, glad, pleased, sad, sorry, disappointed等;二. 动名词;It is a waste of + n. + (in) doing sth. ;2.2. 以下动词用动名词作宾语:; 不定式作宾语和动名词作宾语的区别:;II.区别以下结构:;1. Im sorry I forgot _______ your dictionary. Lets borrow one from Li Ming. A. to take B. taking C. to bring D. bringing 2. My brother regretted _______ a lecture give


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