人教版英语七年级下册Unit 12 第五课时a-Selfcheck 学案设计 无答案.pdf

人教版英语七年级下册Unit 12 第五课时a-Selfcheck 学案设计 无答案.pdf

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人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?第五课时a-Selfcheck 学案 一、核心素养 1、复习Lisa 上周末的活动,能够复述她的周末活动。 2、阅读Lisa 和她的朋友们的微信留言,帮助他们完成缺失的内容。 3、学习hamburger writing 写作模式。 4 、练习这种写作模式,并能根据这种模式的结构进行自我检查所写的内容。 二.学习重点、难点 1. 重点:hamburger writing 写作模式。 2. 难点:熟练hamburger writing 写作模式, 并运用其模式帮助完成 微信短信的补充写作。 三.自主学习 活动一:出示本课学习目标. 1.read the messages from Lisa and her friends; 2.help Lisa and her friends finish their messages; 3.learn the hamburger writing; 4.practice the hamburger writing and check the passage you write( topic sentence, spelling, the past tense etc.) 活动二:出示一张微信留言截屏,设置真实场景:Lisa 和她朋友之间的信息交流 并提出问题: What are they talking about? 帮助培养学生捕捉关键信息的能力。 并引导学生根据所设置的情境,完成今天的写作任务。在此基础上,复习Lisa 上周的周末 活动就会顺理成章,形成写作意识。Lisa 文本帮助学生预设一下写作模型。 活动三: 完成课本3a 的练习,并注意一般过去时在具体情境中的运用。帮助学 生注意动词的一般过去式形式。查对答案。 I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I ________________. It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I stayed at home and ____________ cook di er. On Sunday morning, I _________________. I read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I ____________ with my friends. On Sunday night, I ___________. I saw an interesting talk show. 四.合作探究 活动四:两人一组查对一下3a 部分的答案,重点是动词的过去式形式是否正确。 答案: did my homework ;helped mom ; went to the library;played soccer ; watched TV 五.总结 六.随堂检测 活动五:理解hamburger writing 写作模式,并完成Self Check 中的第2 题, 为下一步运用hamburger writing 写作模式打下基础。 Molly: I had a school trip last week. You: Really. ________________ (go)? Molly: I visited the fire station. You: _____________________ (go with)? Molly: I went with my classmates. You : _______________ (do)? Molly: We watched the firefighters work. What an interesting job they have! You : ______________________ (learn anything)? Molly : Sure. We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire. 七、活动六: 学生展示自己作品:hamburger


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