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Sheet3 Sheet2 Sheet1 Check124 The site audit gives the purchasing organization a first-hand look at the supplier organizations facilities and will answer for the purchaser the majority of questions about the level of technology at the facility,the education and training of the staff, the employees attitudes towards their work, and the overall effectiveness of the supplier.The visit also facilitates continuing relationship and the joint development of suggestions for process and quality improvements.The purchaser is concerned whether the supplier has the capabilities to produce quality products on time and the flexibility to meet future requirements. Approved suppliers should be visited at intervals commensurate with their performance. A superior supplier will not be visited as often as one that frequently ships late and experiences quality problems. 通过现场考察,买方可以亲眼看到供方设施情况.同时还回答了关于供方在技术水平方面的绝大多数问题,以及员工的教育、培训,和对工作的态度等.还可以了解到供方的总体有效性.通过拜访,为持续的关系和共同实施流程和质量改进提供了便利.需方关心的是供方是否有按时提供高质量产品的能力,以及是否有足够的弹性满足未来的需求.对供方的拜访应与其绩效挂钩.绩效超好的供应商和经常延期交货并有质量问题的供应商相比,后者应该更加频繁. Category类别 Details 明细 Comments 评价 Poor 差 Average 一般 Good 好 Excellent 非常好 Facilities 设施 Age and condition of equipment 设备陈旧程度 Cleanness of facility 设施和场所的清洁程度 Layout of facility 布局的合理性 Amount of material in process 流转中的物料数量 Facility capacity 设备产能 Current level of activity 目前的活动水平 Process material flow流程/物流 Efficient process material flows are required to keep a supplier competitive. 高效的流程和物流可以使供应商更有竞争力 Process control 过程控制 What criteria are used to establish the orders priority? 如何决定订单的优先级别? What are the inventory and bill-of-material accuracies? 库存和材料清单的准确性如何? Productivity 生产率 Improved productivity can be achieved in three ways: improved efficiency(same output with less input), improved effectiveness (greater output with same input), and improved proficiency (greater output with less input) 效率可以通过三中种手段获得:效率改进(输出相同但是输入减少),有效性改进(输入相同但是输出增加),以及熟练程度改进(输入减少同时输出增加) Is it operating efficiently? 组织是在高效运营吗? Technical capab


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