词汇积累200题巧记3500词 2.docx

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【词汇积累】200题巧记3500词 2 21. Last year, my total income, with my reward ___________ (add) to, added up ___________ 15,000 Yuan, which didn’t deserve ___________ I did. 去年我的总收入,加上奖金,总计为一万五千元,这与我的付出不成正比。 22. These ___________ (design) are discussing how ___________ (double) the scale of the park so that more people can enter and relax ___________ (they) at weekends. 设计师们正在讨论如何使公园的规模翻一番以便更多的人可以在周末游园休闲。 23. The ___________ (retire) minister who likes hiking lives alone in a mountain village, ___________ he doesn’t feel lonely because he has made friends with his digital camera. 退休的部长喜欢远足,他独自一人住在一个偏僻的山村里,但并不觉得孤独,因为他有数码相机为伴。 24. — David has made so distinct progress in English recently ___________ he can speak English ___________ (fluent) now. — So he ___________, and ___________ have you. ___________ (congratulate) on being admitted in Harvard University. ——最近David英语进步如此之快,他现在能流利地说英语了。 ——他确实进步很大,你也是。祝贺你被哈佛大学录用。 25. According to your language ___________ (able), we can recommend 3 levels of courses ___________ (range) from elementary, medium to advanced. 根据你的语言水平,我们向你推荐3种课程,分别为初级、中级和高级。 26. This ___________ (respect) expert said he would rather accept a ___________ (respect) student who was not temporarily successful in his study ___________ a top student who didn’t know how to respect others. 这位受人尊敬的专家表示,他宁可招收一名有礼貌但学习上还不太成功的学生,也不接受一个不知如何尊重他人的优等生。 27. The experts will take the amateur’s advice ___________ account and then decide to adopt it ___________ not in the automatic heating system. 专家们会考虑下这个业余爱好者的建议然后决定是否在自动加热系统中采用这个建议。 28. Electronic games don’t have many effects ___________ adults but affect students a great deal; therefore, many parents make efforts ___________ (limit) their children’s playing time. 电子游戏对成年人影响不大,但是对学生影响很大。所以许多家长努力限制孩子的游戏时间。 29. After seeing plenty of solid ___________ (evident), the greedy thief had no alternative but ___________ (acknowledge) that it was he that stole the gold watch. 在看见了许多的铁证之后,这个贪婪的贼不得不承认是他偷了金表。 30. After the committee declares th


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