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高中形容词与副词练习(含答案) 一、单项选择At the good news, she felt. A. relaxB. relaxingC. relaxedD. to relaxAlice's mother has views about the style of dressing, so she was unhappy when Alice wears a miniskirt. A. blankB. conventional C. rationalD. subjectiveEconomic experts have warned that without action, there might be catastrophic failure in the next three years. A.upsetB. urgentC.unmotivatedD.urbanAfter the bridgehasbeen widened, the traffic is now flowing. A.slowlyB. smoothlyC.cautiouslyD.accuratelyWith the widespread use of the Internet, communications across the world have developed over the years. A. steadilyB. literallyC. independently D. formallyHe has made progress in English since he arrived in America last year. A. abstractB.appreciativeC. distantD.remarkableThe speech you delivered is very. A. inspiringB.inspiredC. to inspireD.inspireNorman Bethune is one of in China, but he wasn't Chinese — he was Canadian. A. most famous heroesB. the most famous herosC. most famous herosD. the most famous heroes This drama demonstrated vividly the possibility of combining music with traditionalmusic. A. criticalB.conventionalC. contemporaryD.consistentAlthough I was, his words made me a lot more relaxed. A. embarrassingB.embarrassC. embarrassedD.embarrassmentThe company offers its employees a training in all aspects of the business. A. compassionateB.contemporaryC. comprehensiveD.countableThese problems are different in nature, so you must treat them. A. totallyB.speciallyC. extremelyD.separatelyWhich part of the following sentences functions as Predicative(表语)? Gore are the days when women were looked down upon. A. Gone B. the days C. women D. looked down uponThe team are going to tour around the city to be cheered by their supporters. A. upsetB.enthusiasticC. mightyD.sufficientMr. White is so that no one in our community doubts he will break his word. A. sensitiveB.reliableC. availableD.generousMost writers know clearly that success rarely happens, but perhaps not many 【解析】 【详解】考查形


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