药监系统官方培训 01-创新医疗器械特别审批程序的实践.pptx

药监系统官方培训 01-创新医疗器械特别审批程序的实践.pptx

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创新医疗器械特别审批程序的实践 史新立 国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA) 医疗器械技术审评中心(CMDE) 主要内容 Main contents 背景 Background 创新医疗器械特别审批申请审查情况 Status Overview - Special Review/Approval of Innovative MD 创新医疗器械特别审批申请资料关注点 Attentions of application for Special Review and Approval for Innovative Medical Device 背景 Background 发布 试行 实施 2014年2月7日发布 创新医疗器械特别审批程序(试行) 2014年3月1日实施 Launched on Feb 7, 2014 食药监械管〔2014〕13号 Became effective on Mar 1, 2014 创新医疗器械特别审批法规原则 Regulation Principle: Special Review and Approval for Innovative Medical Device • 早期介入、专人负责、科学审批 • Early engagement; Designated personnel responsibility; Scientific review/approval • 标准不降低、程序不减少 Standard not lowered; Procedure not lessened • 优先办理 Dealt with priority 申请审查情况概览 Status Overview 至2017年5月底,CFDA共受理创新特批申请:590项 CFDA has received 590 applications of special approval by the end of May,2017 28 进口创新医疗 Imported: 受理:590 项 ted for examination 6 创新医疗器械特别审批 申请资料关注点 发明专利 国内首创 Invention patent First-In-Class in China 什么是创新医疗器械? What is the Innovative MD 国际领先 产品基本定型 Advanced internationally Prototype is available • 发明专利是企业产品自主知识产权的法律文 件,也是保护创新医疗器械知识产权的根据 创新医疗器械特别审批申请资料关注点 Attentions of application for Special Review and Approval for 发明专利 Invention patent Innovative Medical Device  在中国依法拥有产品核心技术发明专利权 Own the invention patent right in China for the core technology of the product  依法通过受让取得在中国发明专利权或其使用权 Obtained the invention patent right or use right in China via legal transfer  核心技术发明专利的申请已由国务院专利行政部门公开 The application of the invention patent for the core technology has been publicized by the patent administrative agency under the State Council 创新医疗器械特别审批申请资料关注点 Attentions of application for Special Review and Approval for Innovative Medical Device • 申报的产品有无发明专利以及该发明专利保护的是否为产 品的核心技术 • 批准的创新医疗器械知识产权能得到国家法律的保护 创新医疗器械特别审批申请资料关注点 Attentions of application for Special Review and Approval for Innovative Medical Device • 创新医疗器械的核心技术在国内申报的产品中首次使用 • 该核心技术的使用,使产品的性能有显著提高,居国际 领先水平 创新医疗器械特别审批申请资料关注点 Attentions of application for Special Review and Approval for Innovati



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