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新思维英语4A重点词句表 Chapter 1 Knowing our friends 了解我们的朋友 spare 空闲的 read -- reading 阅读 Paint -- painting 绘画 dance -- dancing 跳舞 roller-skate -- roller-skating 滑旱冰 jog --jogging 慢跑 swim--swimming 游泳 play -- playing chess 下棋 listen-- listening to music 听音乐 too 也(肯定) either 也不...(否定) go ice skating 去溜冰 together 一起 Youth Centre青少年活动中心 Children‘s Book Fair儿童书展 At Sunny park在阳光公园 Bright Sports Centre 光明体育中心 Happy Ice Rink 开心溜冰场 at Lucy’s Dance School 在Lucy的舞蹈学校 at the weekend 在周末 1.询问某人在空余时间喜欢做某件事的表达为: What do/don’t you like doing in your spare time? I like/don’t like swimming ,reading and roller-skating. What does/doesn’t he/she like doing in his/her spare time? He/She likes/doesn’t like jogging and dancing. What do/don’t they like doing in their spare time? They like /don’t like listening to music 2.建议做什么事: Let’s +动词原形。 例:Let’s go ice-skating. like+动词ing, 表示“喜欢做某事(爱好)”。 4. 动词 ing 的变化规则: (1)一般动词直接加 ing:read-reading (2)以不发音的字母―e结尾,去―e再加 ing :dance- dancing (3)以辅+元+辅结尾的重读闭音节单词,双写末尾字母再加 ing : swim- swimming 4. too 用于肯定句,either 用于否定句。some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句和疑问句。and 用于肯定句,or 用于否定句和选择疑问句。 Chapter 2 More about our friends 了解更多关于我们的朋友们 ever 曾经 always 总是 usually通常 often 经常 sometimes有时never 从不 once 一次 twice两次 7. go to bed early 很早去睡觉 go(goes) to bed early 很早去睡觉 look after your pets 照顾 你的宠物 eat out 去外面吃饭 9. eat out 去外面吃饭 tidy your room 整理你的房间(tidies三单) 11. get up late晚起床 11. get up late 很晚起床 12. surf the Net 上网 13. a lot of 许多 14. play music 玩音乐15.play the recorder 吹竖笛 15. play the recorder 吹竖笛 16. play the piano 弹钢琴 17. play the violin 弹小提琴 17. play the violin 弹小提琴 18. play sport 运动 19.play basketball 打篮球 20.play table tennis 打乒乓球 21.play football踢足球 询问某人日常的行为习惯表达 问:Do you ever …? 答: Yes, I always/usually/often/sometimes... No, I never …. 询问他人的行为习惯表达为 问:Does he/ she ever…? 答:Yes, he/she always/usually/often/sometimes.... 或 Yes, he/she does. No, he/she never… Chapter 3 When our grandparents were young 1. am / is ---was 是 2. are---



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