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PAGE \* MERGEF PAGE 1 XX大学留学研究生请假单 Leave Application Form 护 照 姓 名 (Passport Name) 护 照 号 码 (Passport No.) 国 籍(Nationality) 性 别(Gender) 学 号 (Student ID No.) CSC号 (CSC No.) 所 在 学 院 (School) 专 业(Major) 入 学 时 间 (Entrance Date) 联 系 电 话 (Contact No.) 请假时间 (Leave Time) From (Y) (M) (D) to (Y) (M) (D) 校内联系人 (Contact Person in Campus) 校内联系人电话 (Telephone Number) 家庭联系人 (Contact Person in Family) 家庭联系人电话 (Telephone Number) 请假理由 Reasons for Absence 请假期满,本人应到院(系)、国际教育学院申请销假;研究生擅自离校超过两周或假满逾期两周不返校者,予以退学。 本人承诺按期返校,向学院、国际教育学院申请销假手续并附相关证明文件或材料,且本人已知晓请假期间,学校对本人不承担任何法律责任。 Resumption from Leave in your department and CIE. Students who stay away from school for more than 2 weeks or overstay two weeks without permission will be withdrawn from school. I promise to return on time. Resumption from Leave in CIE and attach documents relative to the reasons for seeking permission. I agree that the school will not assume responsibility during the absence time. 本人签字:(Student Signature) 年Y 月M 日D 导师意见 Remarks of Supervisor 一学期累计事假一般不得超过一个月,如有特殊情况请假时间累计超过一个月时,则需要延长在校学习时间。请假在两周以内,需经导师批准,院(系)备案;请假在两周以上、一个月以内需经导师同意、院(系)主管领导批准,并由院(系)汇总每月报研究生院备案。中国政府奖学金学生在学期间(学校规定假期除外)因个人原因离校时间超过15天的,其离校期间的生活费停发。 Apply for leave per-semester should not exceed one month in accumulation., if it is a special case and you need to stay for more than one month, you need to apply for extension from your school and your study schedule. If your permission is within 2 weeks, you need to have the approval of your supervisor and recorded by the department. Leaving for more than 2 weeks and within one month,you need the approval of your supervisor and the dean of the department. The department needs to report to graduate school monthly. CSC students leave school for more than 15 days due to personal reasons (except for school holidays), the stipend will be stopped during his/her away from school. 导师签字:(Supervisor’s Signature) 年Y 月M 日D 院(系)意见 Remarks of School (D


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