自考高级英语上册Lesson 14.ppt

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glamorize V. Make glamorous 使有魅力 Some mangazines glamorize the lives of the film stars.一些杂志把明星的生活描写得十分动人。 Glamorous: a. Full of glamour富有魅力的 Many young people adore the glamorous film stars.许多年轻人崇拜富有魅力的影星。 Glamour:n. Charm; power of beauty 魅力;迷人的力量 She likes the glamour of moonlight on the sea.她喜欢海上迷人的月光。 * . preserve, protect preserve : keep from harm or decay保护,保存 We must preserve our natural resources. 我们必须保护我们的自然资源。 Protect: keep safe from danger, enemies, etc.保护,防御 They are fighting to peotect their country.他们正在战斗,保卫国家。 * . distort V. Give a false account of 歪曲 You have distorted what a meant.你曲解了我的意思。 Distortion: n. Distorting or being distorted歪曲 Their distortion of the facts made us very angry at them.他们对事实的歪曲使我们非常生气。 * . Stand up for Speak, work in favor of 为...说话或工作 Customers must stand up for their rights.消费者一定要维护自己的权利。 We will always stand up for you.我们永远都会支持你。 * . . Lesson 14 I would like to tell you something * . testify to give or provide evidence about something 证明。 I'll testify to his exceptional ability. How can you testify to the reliability of the wit ness? vt. His words testify his reluctance to help me. His tears testified his grief. vi. State or declare under oath, usually in court 作证。  n. testimony :declaration testifying that sth is true证言 The witness’s testimony was proved to be false.证人的证词被证实是不真实的。 bear(be) testimony of 表明。 Winning the scholarship is testimony of intelligence. * . stage V.arrange for sth to take place; carry out实行,举行 The industrial workers decided to stage a strike.产业工人们决定举行罢工。 The former world champion is to stage a come-back after retiring for 3 years. 这位前世界冠军在退役三年后又要复出了。 * . Spill out spill out 1. (使)溢出,(使)溅出:(使)散落: The champagne is spilling out of the bottle. 香槟从瓶子中不断地溢出来。 the sweets that spilt out of a paper pocket 从纸袋中散落的糖果 2. 突然涌出: The water was spilling out of the mouth of the spring. 泉眼中不断地涌出泉水。 3. [口语]坦白,说出(真相、内情): He spilt out his story of stealing. 他坦白了他的盗窃行为。 * . clean, purge clean: make clean弄干净,使


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