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POLY prism poly prism a (0,0,0) (-.5,.87,0) (-.5,1.87,0) (0,2.74,0) (1,2.74,0) (1.5,1.87,0) (1.5,.87,0) (1,0,0) b (0,0,4) (-.5,.87,4) (-.5,1.87,4) (0,2.74,4) (1,2.74,4) (1.5,1.87,4) (1.5,.87,4) (1,0,4) POLY tunnel poly tunnel rad=2 leng=-10,10 ratr=3.0 dip=0 dd=0 nr=2 nt=1 nx=3 delete -2 2, -10 10 -2 2 join on NOTE: rad-隧洞半径 leng-隧洞长度 dip、dd-决定洞轴线方向 nr-从洞边界到模型边界环形块体的数目 nt-隧洞环向每45°内块体的数目 nx-沿洞轴线方向上块体的数目 join on 演示一 Model generation commands to cut up a large polyhedron JSET keywords ... TUNNEL region n ... POLY cube poly brick -10 20 -15 30 0 50 tunnel rad region 1 a 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 10.0000 0.0000 9.4543 11.7270 0.0000 8.3333 13.1496 0.0000 6.7817 14.0840 0.0000 5.0000 14.4095 0.0000 3.2183 14.0840 0.0000 1.6667 13.1496 0.0000 0.5671 11.7670 0.0000 TUNNEL b 0.0000 10.0000 50.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50.0000 10.0000 0.0000 50.0000 10.0000 10.0000 50.0000 9.4543 11.7270 50.0000 8.3333 13.1496 50.0000 6.7817 14.0840 50.0000 5.0000 14.4095 50.0000 3.2183 14.0840 50.0000 1.6667 13.1496 50.0000 0.5671 11.7670 50.0000 remove reg 1 演示二 NOTICE RADIAL TANGENTIAL POLY TUNNEL 和 TUNNEL 有什么区别? POLY TUNNEL TUNNEL 分别对应3DEC两种建模思想! Fracture/joint representation in 3DEC Fractures are represented by cuts in blocks Cuts must “knife” completely through a particular block Blocks can be hidden to avoid cutting Blocks can be joined at common faces to form concave blocks Fracture termination within block is accounted for by either: adjusting rock stiffness using high strength for non-fracture portion of cut Constitutive models for deformable blocks cons Model Description 1 linearly elastic, isotropic (default) 2 elastic/plastic, Mohr-Coulomb failure 3 anisotropic elastic jcons Joint constitutive models 1 area contact elastic/plastic with Coulomb


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