城市规划原理:2 Development of Planning Principles.ppt

城市规划原理:2 Development of Planning Principles.ppt

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2.15 Neighbourhood Unit 1929, Perry, Neighbourhood Unit(邻里单位)——a livable, safe, well-serviced society. According a primary school’s service radius, children don’t need to go across main roads, community centre with green. 1933, Radburn(雷德朋), large block, traffic separation, cul-de-sac(口袋形). Radburn Plan Neighbourhood Unit 2 the birth of modern planning Recommended Readings 谭纵波.城市规划[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2005 孙施文. 现代城市规划理论[M] .北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2005 沈玉麟 .外国城市建设史[M] .北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1989 张京祥.西方城市规划思想史纲[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2005 周国艳、于力.西方现代城市规划理论概论[M].东南大学出版社,2010 张捷 赵民.新城规划的理论与实践——田园城市思想的世纪演绎[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2005 (英)尼格尔?泰勒.1945年后西方城市规划理论的流变[M].李白玉,陈贞译.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2006 * URBAN PLANNING PRINCIPLE DENG Zhaohua, School of Architecture, SCUT The Development of Urban Planning Theories & Technologies 1 1 Intro. Planning Principle/Theory? Broad vs narrow meaning:“城市规划是什么?”。 Affected by other subjects: geography, economics, sociology, philosophy, science… 3 stages of modern city development: Late 19th to WWII: birth of modernist planning; WWII to 1960s: modernist practice; Post 1960s: new thoughs. David Harvey 2.1 modern planning’s birth To solve the problems of industrialization: over-crowded, worsening environment, congestion… Social reformists tried economic, social, engineering, architecture ways, and slowly forming the modern planning principles. 2 the birth of modern planning 2.2 Utopian Socialism Robert Owen, Saint-Simon, Fourier : Utopian Socialism. Ancient Greek philosopher Plato(柏拉图) & British Thomas Moor’s Utopian: Equal, harmonized society. City construction + social reform, to resolve the people’s living & working problems. Inspired Garden City & Satellite City, but lacked the realistic ways. Robert Owen (欧文) Thomas Moor (托马斯?莫尔) Saint-Simon(圣西门), 2 the birth of modern planning Village of New Harmony(新协和村) Owen, 1817: put agriculture, handicraft & factories together. Community (公社) with 500~1500 pop.,publicly owned land & properties, partly communism. Phalanges (傅立叶的法



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