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腧穴概述 第二章 Chapter II Summary of acupoints * 一、体表标志定位法(Anatomical Landmarks Measurement) 1. 固定标志( Fixed Landmarks): 指利用五官、毛发、爪甲、乳头、脐窝和骨节凸起、凹陷及肌肉隆起等不受人体活动影响而固定不移的标志。 Fixed landmarks are unmovable landmarks which would not change under body activities, including the five sense organs, hair, finger/toe nails, nipples and umbilicus, eminence or depression formed by bone joints and muscles, etc. 第四节 腧穴的定位方法 Section IV Methods of Acupoints Location * 如鼻尖取素髎;两眉中间取印堂;两乳中间取膻中;脐 旁二寸取天枢;腓骨小头前下缘取阳陵泉。 For example, Suliao (DU 25) is on the tip of the nose. Yintang(DU 29)is at the midpoint of two eyebrows. Danzhong (RN 17) is at the midpoint of two nipples. Tianshu(ST 25) is 2 cun to the umbilicus. Yanglingquan(GB 34) locates at the anterior-inferior depression of the fibula head. 2. 活动标志( movable landmarks) : 指利用关节、肌肉、皮肤随活动而出现的孔隙、凹陷、皱纹等活动标志取穴。 It refers to spaces, depressions, wrinkles, and other landmarks caused by the movement of joints, muscles, tendons and skin. 如取养老穴时,应正坐屈肘,掌心向胸,当尺骨小头桡侧骨缝中取之。 * 如取养老穴时,应正坐屈肘,掌心向胸,当尺骨小头桡侧骨缝中取之。 Yanglao(SI 6) is located in the depression of the radial side of the capitulum ulnae when the patient sits straightly and bends elbow to make the palm towards to the breast. * 二、骨度分寸定位法(Bone-Length Measurement) 是指以骨节为主要标志折量周身各部的大小和长短,并依次按比例折算作为定穴的标准又称“骨度法”。 The bone-length measurement is a method of locating acupoints in which the bone segments are taken as main markers to measure the length or width of various portions of the body,and then the length or width are converted proportionately as the standard of locating acupoints. It is also known as “Proportional Measurement of Bone”. * 此法最早见于《灵枢·骨度》篇,其所测量的人体高度为七尺五寸,其横度(两臂外展,两手伸直,以中指为准)也是七尺五寸。 This method was first seen in LingShu-GuDu. As the chapter is recorded,the height of a person is seven chi and five cun,and the width( Using the tip of two middle fingers as endpoints to measure when a person abduces his arms


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