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《统计学专业英语》 一、汉译英 1、统计一词的含义 统计这个词有两个含义。简单的说,它指的是数值型数据,比如周产品价格、雇员总量、平均收入、利益率等等。这些数据资料只是提供描述性信息。这个单词也用于指收集、描述、分析和解释统计数据资料的技术和过程。从这个意义上讲,统计也许是一门科学。 The word statistics has two meanings.At the simplest level,it refers to numerical data such as weekly production figures,employment totals,average earnings,profitability,etc.Such statistics merely provide descriptive information.The word is also used to refer to techniques and procedures for collecting,describing,analyzing and interpreting numerical data.In this sense,statistics may be referred to as a science. 2、统计的应用 统计几乎应用于日常生活中的所有领域。在个人层面上,任何决策的做出都需要有效的统计数据信息,尽管这些信息是以粗糙的、简单的方式出现的。这些可能涉及建立在过去发生的事情的基础上对未来的预测,包括的事情比如有房屋买卖、生活水平、生命期望等等。在政府层面上,统计学几乎应用于每个部门和实验室进行分析和预测,以及收集和报告的经济、金融、社会和人口统计的数据资料。同样地,学术研究工作者在研究工作中使用统计方法,跨越感兴趣的许多领域,包括经济、社会、自然科学和统计学用过的非量化的学科,例如,判断匿名作品的来源。 The application of statistics is evident in almost all areas of everyday life.At the individual level,decisions are made,albeit in a rough and ready fashion,by using whatever numerical information is available.These may concern expectations about the future based on what has happened in the past,involving matters such as house buying and selling,living standards,life expectancy,etc.At government level,the science of statistics is applied in virtually every department and laboratory for purposes of analysis and forecasting as well as in the collection and presentation of economic,financial,social and demographic data.Similarly,academics and research workers use statistical techniques in their enquiries, again across many fields of interest,including the economic,social and physical sciences as well as in non-quantitative subjects in which statistics have been used,for example,to judge the authorship of anonymous works. 二、英译汉 1.回归分析的定义及目的 定义:Regression analysis is concerned with measuring the way in which one variable is related to another , i.e. how differences in one or more variables help to explain differences in another variable. 翻译:回归分析是用于度量一个变量与另一个变量的相关关系的一种度量


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