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专题03 非谓语动词交际用语 一、2022年高考真题 (2022年全国甲卷语法填空)A visually-challenged man from Beijing recently hiked (徒步) 40 days to Xi’an, as a first step ___61___ (journey) the Belt and Road route (路线) by foot. Now, Cao has started the second part of his dream to walk along the Belt and Road route. He flew 4, 700 kilometers ___69___ Xi’an to Kashgar on Sept. 20, ____70____ (plan) to hike back to Xi’an in five months. (2022年全国甲卷短文改错)I was unwilling talk with him and often disobeyed his rule of not stay out with my friends too late. (2022年全国乙卷语法填空)The chairman of the China Culture Promotion Society 63 (address)the opening ceremony. ... It can help to build a community with a 66 (share)future for mankind, he said. 68 (strengthen)the connection with young people, the event included a number of public promotional activities on social media, 69 (invite)twenty-nine tea professionals from around the world to have thirty-six hours of uninterrupted live broadcasts. 3. (2022年全国乙卷短文改错)Whether you ride a bicycle, you dont use petrol. So they are not producing carbon dioxide and not cause air pollution. (2022年全国高考新高考I卷语法填空)The Chinese government recently finalized a plan to set up a Giant Panda National Park(GPNP). __56___ (cover)an area about three times ___57___ size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country. The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that __58___ (be)previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority ___59___ (increase)effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management. 二、2022届模拟题 1.(2022·河南新乡·二模语法填空)The first creature ____31____ (orbit) our planet was just 2 years old. Her name was Laika.She was a good dog. ... Our first steps into space began. Laika ____37____(follow) into orbit four years later by the first human,Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. ...That hasn’t stopped people from signing up and blasting off. NASA’s Apollo progr



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