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British-cuisine(英国菜肴简介) British Cuisine and Welsh cuisine. Each have developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which are geographically indicated foods such as Cornish pasties, the Yorkshire pudding, Arbroath Smokie, and Welsh cakes. British cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. British cuisine has been described as unfussy dishes made with quality local ingredients, matched with simple sauces to accentuate flavour, rather than disguise it. However, British cuisine has absorbed the cultural influence of those that have settled in Britain, producing hybrid dishes, such as the Anglo-Indian chicken tikka masala. The Norman conquest introduced exotic spices into England in the Middle Ages. The British Empire facilitated a knowledge of Indias elaborate food tradition of strong, penetrating spices and herbs. Food rationing policies, put in place by the British government during wartime periods of the 20th century, are said to have been the stimulus for British cuisines poor international reputation. Contrary to popular belief, people in southern England eat more garlic per head than the people of northern France. Traditional Briton’s Favorite Foods Bubble and Squeak. The name of this dish refers to the sound it makes while cooking. This recipe can be modified by substituting the brussel sprouts with any left-over vegetables you might have in the kitchen (boiled cabbage, carrots, leeks, etc.). This dish is perfect with “HP” brown sauce — another British culinary tradition! Cheese and Onion Pie. A tradition filled pastry pie. Some families, in the north of England, add potatoes to this recipe. Serve with chips (french fries) and baked beans in tomato sauce. Haggis. Haggis is a purely Scottish dish, and is typically served on “Burns night”, 25th January, when Scotland celebrates the birth of its greatest poet, Robert Burns, who was born in Ayrshire on that date in 1759. The haggis is quite simply


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